Example sentences of "to walk away [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 PC World 's customer profile breaks down into those who know what they want but want to see it demonstrated and to be able to walk away with the product ; those who know a bit , but have never bought a computer before ; and corporate customers seeking the best value for money .
2 ‘ Yes , there is ; it 's easier to walk away from a girlfriend when the time comes . ’
3 The chief was given all his storebought utensils and forced to walk away from the village forever .
4 Yeah and I have to walk away from the others .
5 Picking up his hounds , Lord Deverill turned his horse and started to walk away from the covert , followed by Artemis .
6 For the Liberal Democrats , Sir David Steel , former leader and party spokesman on foreign affairs , said that , while the mood for change was strong , there was no wish for separatism and no desire to walk away from the Union .
7 Your job , however , is to mend any plausible cracks you observe — to do a better survey , measuring and controlling important new variables — not to walk away from the edifice declaring it to be a hazard .
8 Both were able to walk away from the wreckage but were taken to hospital by ambulance for treatment .
9 MANY shareholders in ICI 's spin-off company Zeneca must by now be tempted to walk away from the 600p a share rights issue .
10 It is the process of trying to persuade by substituting power for reason — the power being the ability to walk away from the deal and leave the other person stranded , the power to give the other person less than required — and sometimes nothing .
11 Boy would have been happiest to stand on the end of a pier from which big ships , real proper ocean ships , embarked ; but he would have settled for just an ordinary pier , a small one — so long as it was big enough for him to walk away from the city , into the wind , turn his back on everything and stand there looking west at an empty sea , or a far horizon , and think about America , or somewhere .
12 He began to walk away from the burial ground , his heart surging with excitement .
13 It was simply that most people , while wanting the ends , preferred to walk away from the means : especially when they were distasteful , and most especially when they failed .
14 ‘ We are not frightened to walk away from the table if the deal is not right , ’ Mr Coe says .
15 As soon as hubby returns from the war , Dottie plans to walk away from the game — which irritates her competitive sister , a pitcher in the team , even more .
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