Example sentences of "to suggest [conj] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , this should not be taken to suggest that the present generation are seduced by their salaries and expenses to the degree that they will abandon their principles in order to continue to have access to the institutional channels for political activity .
2 But George Wedd , an under-secretary at the Department of the Environment , went on to suggest that the present generation was morally bound to make plans .
3 Some ingenious souls have even gone so far as to suggest that the correct attitude to fat , which makes sense in nutritional , agronomic and culinary terms is to aim in general at eating a low-fat diet , and at one in which most of the fat in the diet is polyunsaturated : but to ensure that the small amount of saturated fat that did creep in is as delectable as possible , which , of course , with slight deference to beef dripping , means butter .
4 There is in any event nothing in de la Broquière 's description to suggest that the grand caliph was not resident in Edirne .
5 Elsewhere , I have elaborated at length on the reasons why it is implausible to suggest that the first hunters were the ruling males of what Freud termed the ‘ primal hordes ’ , but rather the unmated , younger males of the all-male groups , Freud 's ‘ sons ’ .
6 There seems to be no sense in which the idea of the Commonwealth can be said to have developed from Indirect Rule , but the similarity of the language employed , and the fact that enthusiasts for one were usually enthusiasts for the other , would appear to suggest that the two ideas sprang from the same rich soil , composted over the years of imperial fact and imperial fancy .
7 It is possible to suggest that the two poets resemble one another .
8 It would be absurdly sanguine to suggest that the latter half of the twentieth century has witnessed any global movement in the direction of democracy or popular power .
9 Indicators relating to the struggle between the hardline members of the Chinese Communist Party ( CCP ) and those in favour of economic liberalization continued to suggest that the latter group was gaining ground .
10 This is not to suggest that the existing system does not have its problems .
11 When I add that youngsters have reportedly been paid by film crews to put on displays in stolen cars and that a recent Channel 4 programme tried — ludicrously and dangerously — to suggest that the real problem was police brutality , hon. Members will have some idea of the anger felt by my constituents about the gross irresponsibility shown by some of the media .
12 I have not heard a single argument — there was not a sentence in the Secretary of State 's speech — to suggest that the upper limit will be reached in the coming year .
13 There is clearly refutable evidence to suggest that the great majority , as many as seventy five percent , of all such cases are not genuine .
14 In fact , many years ago I was rash enough to suggest that the great Ankara melange itself ( humorously called by the locals turlu guvec — a Turkish version of Lancashire hotpot ) might be an Argille scagliose type of deposit .
15 Such conduct would clearly be a form of ‘ delivery ’ rather than the formal service effected by the authorities of the state of destination , but there seems to be nothing in the various Hague Conventions to suggest that the postal channel was any less valid than any other permitted mode .
16 This is not to suggest that the average speaker of English does not understand the differences of meaning .
17 There is compelling evidence to suggest that the second amplification stage is mediated by leukotriene B 4 , a lipo-oxygenase product released by the neutrophils themselves .
18 There was nothing at all , except Roland 's own need and concern , to suggest that the long letter might be his own letter .
19 There is nothing to suggest that the innumerable fossil brachiopods had any other method of feeding .
20 There is nothing to suggest that the rural economy was anything but generalised , with evidence for specialisation appearing late in the period .
21 This chapter has tried to suggest that the poor image project work seems to have as a teaching method is not a necessary one , and that there are strategies which teachers and schools can employ to ensure that it becomes purposeful and systematic .
22 He goes on to suggest that the amazing abilities of , say , Jesus and Elisha were ‘ natural capacities ’ which God took and ‘ used to a profitable end ’ .
23 However , there is evidence to suggest that the volcanic sequence may be thin or absent south of 57° 30'N on the western margin of the Rockall Trough , where there is known to be a block-faulted margin structure .
24 It would be quite wrong to suggest that the only influence on mate choice is relative familiarity .
25 It is also fair to suggest that the Labour Party benefited from the rising unemployment of the 1920s for it claimed , successfully in the 1920s , that although it could not solve unemployment , which was a product of a capitalist society , it would at least ensure that the unemployed were guaranteed a level of benefits which would ensure healthy life .
26 Hundreds more will follow , prompting Mr Hildesheimer to suggest that the best commemoration would be not to perform Mozart at all until next year , so that everyone could realise what they had been missing .
27 Lass ( 1980 ) , for example , has pointed out that stochastic ( probabilistic ) laws are not predictive , and has seemed to suggest that the quantitative paradigm is theoretically uninteresting for this reason .
28 To many of them it seemed abhorrent to suggest that the Mosaic law was other than final .
29 There were fragments of evidence , however , to suggest that the final collision might have been avoided .
30 However , when the two letters to be matched were presented simultaneously , rather than successively , the pattern of results differed for the two visual fields in such a way as to suggest that the right hemisphere was still using a visually-based strategy while the left hemisphere was using an acoustically based strategy .
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