Example sentences of "hoped that [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is to be hoped that future research into the nature of language processing will continue to relate findings about the performance of both skilled and impaired language users on the wide range of tasks which go together to make up out ability to acquire and use language — for it is only by attempting to do so that it will ultimately be possible for psychologists to develop a comprehensive model of language processing .
2 Work on the floor has commenced and will last for six months , during which time it is hoped that archaeological evidence of the original Norman cathedral will emerge .
3 It is to be hoped that recent changes within the SDA ( notably its drift towards self-help , business-orientated projects ) will not allow it to lose sight of wider goals in Scotland , where extensive areas of economic decline and outright poverty can still be identified .
4 Finally , it was very much hoped that financial provision in the Groups for this proven and valuable programme would not be reduced .
5 Managers had hoped that closer co-operation with the unions would make the committees a place for consultation , not turn them into a battleground .
6 It is hoped that new acquisitions of sculpture will be made for display in the garden , which will be increased in size .
7 So it is hoped that ALL PARISHES in the Middlesbrough area will try to send a representative to the meeting on 9th December .
8 It was hoped that free trade in goods throughout the region would be ensured by 1995 and that the movement of capital and people would be deregulated by the end of the decade .
9 It is to be hoped that later publications in this new series will be fuller , with more detailed commentary .
10 It is hoped that formal Articles of Association will be ready for discussion and adoption by members at the next AGM .
11 By these means it is hoped that further understanding of gastric mucosal proliferation and its controls in normal conditions and in disease may be achieved .
12 The French Government had hoped that 9 hours of talks with lorry drivers ' Union Leaders would bring the dispute to a halt .
13 It is to be hoped that most members of the Society of Freelance Editors and Proofreaders are aware of this fact .
14 I had hoped that these weekends of dashing about Britain with estate agents ' details in my lap were a thing of the past .
15 It is hoped that these state-ments of principle will over time influence national courts by persuading them to look beyond their own , or indeed any one , legal system , particularly where the dispute is international and thus does not readily respond to national laws designed primarily for domestic transactions .
16 It is greatly to be hoped that some version of the censorship hypothesis holds because close to naked singularities it may be possible to travel into the past .
17 The US government had hoped that some form of non-Communist coalition government could be set up in post-war China , and General Marshall had led a mission to achieve this end in 1946 .
18 Whilst it is hoped that this text as a whole will contribute to the development of the personal qualities necessary for successful salesmanship , this chapter concentrates specifically on those aspects of international selling with which a firm either exporting or contemplating the same should be familiar .
19 It is hoped that this type of programme will answer many of the criticisms of ill conceived and piecemeal research and provide a model for surgical training in the future .
20 It is hoped that this introduction to measures which will help control infection in the mortuary setting will stimulate some thought among managers , consultant pathologists , and others who may be involved in the provision of a mortuary service .
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