Example sentences of "suffered from the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As with the scripts mentioned above , attempts to represent semantic knowledge in frames have suffered from the problems of relevance and detail , along with the usual acquisition problem .
2 ‘ Thousands of businesses , large and small , have already suffered from the activities of unscrupulous photo-copier salesmen , and unclear contracts .
3 The most dramatic , of a swaggering Mars with drawn sword ( lot 33 ) , had suffered from the deterioration of the iron gall ink used by the artist .
4 Boys with generally excellent appetite , Oliver Twist and his companions suffered from the tortures of slow starvation , starvation for three months , at least they got so for ferocious , is that right ?
5 The responses could be analysed for differences in opinion depending on the time since the respondent had suffered from the illness or between those who had ever and those who had never suffered from the illness in question .
6 Penny believes that both Diana and Charles have suffered from the break-up of the marriage , and that there will be no ‘ winner ’ in the battles to come .
7 Poor families have also suffered from the withdrawal of free school meals for 500,000 children in 1988/89 , following a tightening of the eligibility criteria .
8 The little church has suffered from the rigours of time and town planning , normally a lethal combination , and survived .
9 Chemicals was flat , held back by shutdowns at two large plants , and the remaining plantations suffered from the weakness of world palm oil prices .
10 The Socialist parties suffered from the consequences of the Second International 's theory of revolution in stages ( which led the Argentine Socialist Party to support US interventions in the Caribbean ) and its under-estimation of the power of nationalism .
11 The zoologist was upset because she felt that the small animal had suffered from the journey in the box and she was responsible for its death .
12 This campaign suffered from the reduction of the river fleet from four to two thousand steamers between 1917 and 1921 .
13 As a predominantly middle-class cause , Spanish republicanism , and in particular its more reform-minded elements , suffered from the lack of a truly broad popular base , comparable with that enjoyed by French republicanism , within a numerous and vigorous lower-middle class and peasantry .
14 Even the judicial system in the Dutch republic , in so many ways still among the most advanced parts of Europe , suffered from the lack of a powerful monarchy able to press effectively for the sort of reform which rulers in many less developed areas were now forcing upon their subjects .
15 The mail order business suffered from the lack of recruitment by the banks and the decline of the Banking Certificate market .
16 Indonesia 's oil industry has suffered from the fall in crude prices and the reduction in demand for OPEC oil .
17 But both suffered from the blurring of detail which resulted from the reduction in size that their drawings underwent in printed form .
18 ( 4 ) Seventy per cent of the sick group had suffered from the effects of serious pregnancy and/or birth complications as babies .
19 The intensity of factional dispute had vanished but the Alliance suffered from the weakening of its links with local Labour Parties .
20 Seeking to improve relations with India , the President asked forgiveness from all Ugandans of Indian origin who had " suffered from the excesses of former dictator Idi Amin " .
21 It was agreed that the Society would undertake a project to restore the bridge , which has suffered from the ravages of weather and plant growth for a long time .
22 Most of the older nomes suffered from the fear of the Outside , but no one liked to talk about it much .
23 After a period under the Domenicans , the Poor Clares returned once more to their convent but the buildings then suffered from the fire in the Old Town in 1689 .
24 With the laity , the clergy suffered from the levying of purveyances in the early years of the war , even though by the statute of Westminster of 1275 , confirmed in 1309 and 1316 , they had been exempted from this obligation .
25 Germany both benefited and suffered from the re-establishment after 1945 of its earlier strength in the electrical industries .
26 The adder ( vipera berus ) has suffered from the loss of its habitat , much of it sandy heathland , and from deliberate killing by people afraid of its poisonous reputation .
27 The girl 's mother has not suffered from the disorder in her daughter 's lifetime and the girl was removed from the register after a few years .
28 Iraq has suffered from the closure of the oil pipeline across Syria which deprived the country of some $5 billion per year in revenue .
29 In addition the company suffered from the introduction of mechanical skin strippers into many UK abattoirs , which interfered with the quality of output .
30 Sales growth was evenly spread across the group , but all three divisions continued to feel the impact of the recession in Britain , and , unlike the previous year , suffered from the downturn in North America .
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