Example sentences of "faced with a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Maybe techniques of evaluation ( important though they are ) need not be sharp when faced with a strong weight of empirical and impressionist evidence of the failure of conservation efforts to halt the deteriorating environmental situation in substantial areas of the world .
2 The area is now faced with a regional conflict — deep and dangerous for those who live there and tragic for those who lose their lives .
3 The Greeks did not react — or rather did not go beyond the surface of Roman life — until they found themselves faced with a first-class power which had defeated the Greek armies of Pyrrhus on the open field .
4 Faced with a silenced pistol , pointed unwaveringly at his head , and not knowing that the girl could not have pulled the trigger against an innocent man , he acceded to her demand …
5 At a time when Europe is moving ever closer towards economic union we are faced with a stark choice of either improving our economic performance or watching the UK become a marginalised and minor economic player .
6 It will be observed that in those cases there was no statutory period after cessation of trade during which jurisdiction continued , and the court was therefore faced with a stark choice between saying that the jurisdiction ceased immediately active trade was suspended , or saying that it continued until the business had actually been wound up by payment of the debts .
7 During the construction of the Blisworth to Peterborough branch line of the old London & Birmingham Railway in 1845 , the engineer and surveyor of the route , one Robert Stephenson , being faced with a hilly terrain near to the villages of Yarwell and Wansford decided to tunnel through as a cutting was not practicable at that time .
8 Unfortunately it can be very dull when you are faced with a dry reference book that retails facts and information and talks at you , not with you .
9 Faced with a competing predator , BA raised its bid to a knockout £250 million and this won the day .
10 Faced with a persistent excess of expenditure over income , they may cut student numbers or they may increase income .
11 Japan , faced with a diplomatic assault on several fronts , responded with a resolution which shifted the onus of proof - drift-netting could be banned if scientific evidence clearly showed that the effects on fish stocks and cetaceans were ‘ not sustainable' ’ .
12 Their stance is typified by one young officer 's remark , when faced with a recalcitrant discharger , that ‘ all cases should be looked at as potential prosecutions ’ .
13 Having indirectly made Mrs Thatcher pay with her political life for refusing to sign up to their timetable of achieving EMU by 1992 , they are now blowing cold on the issue , as they are faced with a ballooning budget deficit of their own , and no longer need French and Community political support for reunification .
14 On polling day , the elector is faced with a small ballot slip on which are printed the names usually of only three or four candidates ( Six or more candidates standing in any one constituency would be unusual . )
15 The people were commanded to assemble and were faced with a simple choice : ‘ Elijah stepped forward and said to the people , ‘ How long will you sit on the fence ?
16 Thomas Holmes thought that slum youth were faced with a simple choice , ‘ whether to become dull-eyed , weak-chested , slow-witted degenerates , or hooligans .
17 If you 're faced with a slippery floor problem , it is inexpensive these days to get exhibition contractors to supply some cheap carpeting and you may want to investigate this option .
18 He immediately recognised the immense potential for the story but was faced with a major problem : the press conference was arranged for 23 March and the next morning was Good Friday — his paper would not be published that day .
19 If this proves not to be the case and if , faced with a major unemployment crisis , Britain finds itself with no recourse , then it should not hesitate in seceding before it is too late .
20 Faced with a major risk to your health you become more assertive about your needs .
21 The new Committee for Art and Design was then faced with a major review of 127 first degree courses .
22 In these cases an internal control is required so if faced with a negative result , one can still be sure that the PCR conditions were perfect .
23 ‘ Whatever the precise degree of knowledge of the defendants at any particular time , faced with a laden ship which , as they well knew , was about to leave port , the defendants must in my judgment be deemed to have known of the almost certain existence of contracts of carriage to which the shipowners were parties .
24 Plain concrete blocks are not intended to be on show , and are used mainly for constructing retaining walls which will then be faced with a decorative skin .
25 Faced with a conservative president the liberals want to control the presidency , faced with a liberal presidency er conservative congress want to control the presidency .
26 Both systems were faced with a combinatorial explosion of partial solutions since the input data matched very many rules or partial descriptions .
27 Once in the polling booth , the voter is faced with a daunting array of candidates : given the number of offices to be filled and the number of people seeking to fill them , the number of names may be a three-figure one .
28 We were faced with a daunting barrier of head-high tussac grass with which the island is completely covered .
29 Faced with a virtual infinity of demand , your role is to seek new resources and ensure that those resources are spent to best effect .
30 The user is going to be faced with a substantial processing load .
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