Example sentences of "shift from [noun sg] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One of the key assumptions of Morgan and Engels was that the shift from matriliny to patriliny was in some ways linked with the introduction of herding and , subsequently , agriculture .
2 Considerable changes in alcohol treatment policy have taken place , marked in particular by a shift from specialist to community care ; an increased role for the voluntary sector and primary health care ; and a change in definitions of alcoholism from theories of disease to concepts of problem alcohol use .
3 In the United States , where many fewer industries have ever been state-owned , the shift from public to private mainly took the form of reducing government regulation of activities such as air transport ( ‘ deregulation ’ ) .
4 The 1993 changes are likely to intensify yet further this shift from public to private provision .
5 In other words , Sartre 's attempt to combine Marxism with existentialist subjectivity can not resolve its difficulties through a shift from economism to history , for history implicitly continues to fulfil the same function anyway .
6 However , it is likely that a quantitative shift from elite to mass higher education , such as has happened in the USA and Japan , will bring with it a qualitative change in the undergraduate curriculum .
7 The shift from manufacturing to service industries has been even more marked in terms of jobs : in 1950 manufacturing employed 35 per cent of the total in civil employment but this had fallen to 26 per cent by 1981 ; at the same time , jobs in the service sector rose from 47 per cent to 60 per cent of total employment .
8 Because there is no polarisation between individual and group activities , there is no need for a radical shift from individual to group working .
9 Although within Goody 's own terms they do provide a challenge to his claims for the consequences of a shift from oral to literate culture , they do not provide an unambiguous or ‘ scientific ’ starting point from which to test those claims .
10 They were , of course , all dependent on one vital technological development , the shift from steam to electricity .
11 It is , however , the financial losses of retirement from the labour force that seem usually to be taken as the key to the involuntary shift from independence to dependency in old age .
12 Still , the shift from slave to non-slave labour was striking .
13 The shift from description to prescription in this formulation is interesting .
14 Yet many of them share Mr Mukhametshin 's problem : making the first pile of cash was quick and relatively easy , but becoming a corporate tycoon — which usually involves a shift from trading to manufacturing — is hugely difficult in Russia 's topsy-turvy economy .
15 In the United States , a similar shift from credit-rationing to price-rationing also took place between the seventies and eighties .
16 It involves construction of a hydrocracker , a gasification plant , reflecting the shift from coal to gas as a cleaner fuel , and several smaller facilities .
17 This is due , he argued , to decreasing employment opportunities with the shift from goods-producing to service-producing activities and the loss of 7 million unskilled jobs , and the undesirable concentration effects of this .
18 The shift from tobacco to sugar cultivation in the West Indian islands was now almost complete , and the cultivation of food crops was being steadily abandoned to leave more space for the specialist production of still more sugar .
19 Robinson and Robinson showed that a shift from listener-blaming to speaker-blaming , and a consequent recognition of the role of the message in referential communication , occurred during the early school years .
20 He says it 's part of the staff 's contract that they work different shift from time to time — at times of crisis or if someone is sick we have to ask someone who knows the job to cover .
21 The figures do afford some comparability between years , and even a brief examination of them shows the great shift from wool to cloth as England 's main export commodity .
22 Nor would the suggestion of a derivational link to a noun hold good for an associative use of young rather common in advertisements : ( 14 ) the young place to go young clothes the young thing to do Another thing to emphasize is that what we are considering does not depend on a change of sense in the adjective ; in some cases , certainly , the shift from ascription to association or vice versa may be accompanied by or compatible with such a lexical change ; but this may happen equally in cases of classical structural ambiguity , such as : ( 15 ) Charles will give a talk on the village green where two different senses of on are called upon , as one shifts from the one structure to the other .
23 Their response may be the occasion for added impetus to the ostensible shift from equity to efficacy as the guiding principle in the design of water pollution standards .
24 What has happened , he suggests , is that capitalism 's tendency to colonise and penetrate segments of social existence has led to the commercialisation and commodification of sexuality , particularly via the shift from production to consumption .
25 The shift from critic to justifier can not be considered in isolation from the historical context of controversy .
26 Seen at the level of individual choices there is perhaps nothing remarkable about this shift from fringe to mainstream .
27 The dynastic change from Tudors to Stuarts in 1603 is sometimes said to have been accompanied by a shift from optimism to gloom , and Bacon certainly took an unusually sober approach .
28 In particular , the shift from Fordism to neo-Fordism has wrought a series of structural changes :
29 He does this by making the labour process , and the shift from Fordism to neo-Fordism , more central to his analysis and by bringing in social and political forces at every stage .
30 So the story behind the statistical shift from self-employment to wage labour is one of an exodus from the land .
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