Example sentences of "begin [to-vb] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In experience of this kind , perceptions achieved through the schema aesthetic begin to affect the total context of a work and start to not only direct attention but also change the way in which the image is seen .
2 Finalise the Report of the International Working Party , seek National Council 's agreement on how to proceed , and begin to implement the resulting policies .
3 It is at times like this when people begin to lose the true principles of religion as they become too involved and so wars begin .
4 We soon begin to see the double-voiced nature of this supposedly ‘ useless ’ discourse .
5 But this contentment is short lived as we begin to discover the true personalities of the characters and the realities which exist behind their initial pleasant façe .
6 The morning is brilliant and we soon begin to pass the all-night paddlers .
7 ‘ In the UK , the trend of quarterly improvement has accelerated across all classes as we begin to reap the full benefit of the actions we have taken — and continue to take — on rates and operating costs .
8 This forms as the fibrils fan out and begin to create the spherical outline .
9 Many of the difficulties children get into as they begin to explore the immediate environment of their home happen because they do not know enough to realize what will occur if they , for example , put their hands in a rose bush or pick up a shining splinter of glass .
10 The Elves finally succeed in driving the last Dark Elves from northern Ulthuan and begin to sweep the northern seas clear of their ships .
11 Elsewhere , in the works of Gyorgy Ligeti and Mauricio Kagel , it could question the very bases of musical performance , extending the range of expression and gesture at the same time as it undermined their very validity , and begin to colonise the imprecise border country between theatre , music and performance art .
12 Such questions begin to evoke the crumbling processes of The Possessed , the instability which flushes its entire structure .
13 They begin to inculcate the dominant ideology from an early age , in the words of Esteinou Madrid , ‘ creating the political/cultural demand for the survival of capitalism ’ ( 1986 , p.119 ) .
14 When the streets of New York begin to recall the Wild West , it is hard to find money for boring old repairs to bridges , roads , tunnels and subways .
15 So we begin to understand the masculine fear in the early modern period of being effeminized — not , as might be the case today , by erotic contact with other men , but by excessive contact with women .
16 Factions form around a few pushing militant figures who begin to question the old man 's waning powers .
17 What needs to be done is for the leaders who gather in Edinburgh to accept all that and begin to forge the new kind of European Community which is needed .
18 A move such as raising the real value of national insurance benefits , and of child benefit in particular , will , I believe , begin to change the psychological attitude of claimants , by allowing the extraordinary effort and intelligence that is currently absorbed into ‘ working the system ’ to be channelled into transforming the status of many currently caught in means-tested assistance .
19 In his notes to Einstein on the Beach Glass describes his approach in the following way : ‘ As the music develops , the key centres begin to exchange the metrical characters .
20 For Foucault , the tendency of theories of ideology to entrammel themselves in the categories of psychoanalysis , even with the eternal in Althusser 's case , means that they themselves begin to utilize the very procedures of individuation that they ought to have been analysing .
21 However , if we also add the timings of such movements from two more manuscripts of Lalande motets , F-Pn , H387 , a reduced score of the Miserere a grand choeur ( illus.4 ) , and F-Pn , Rés. 1363 , a reduced score of Dominus regnavit , both being copies apparently dating from the 1740s and probably prepared for the Concert Spirituel , we begin to notice the familiar syndrome of some slowing down in some tempos , compared with those of the earlier H400D .
22 RCA also come up with a tape cassette but shelve the idea as LPs begin to dominate the audio market .
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