Example sentences of "staring out [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Bella lapsed into silence , staring out to the west at the vast industrial complex upstream of the resort .
2 ‘ It was years before I realised it was even common parlance , ’ Kenneth said , still staring out to the loch .
3 I lay on my back , my head on the sandy ground , staring out to the side where the body of the buck lay at the end of a little curved line of black , and tangled in the arm-rest and grip of the catapult .
4 She had her way and Corbett went back to his chamber , staring out through the window , glaring at the blue-black clouds gathering over the Epping Forest .
5 In one of the big rooms at the front of the house , Meg stood beside one of the huge , open shutters , staring out through the trees at the river .
6 ‘ Besides , I fancy a change , ’ she added , raking her hair from her forehead and staring out over the balcony of the apartment .
7 Kenneth grinned , staring out over the balustrade of the terrace towards the hills on the far side of Loch Fyne .
8 There stood G. F. Westerby , looking pleased with himself , staring out over the decades , with the mysterious past behind him .
9 Graham was standing by his window , staring out over the roof of the Comet Building across the street , and when Mike saw who was sitting at Graham 's desk , he had to make a strong effort not to show his surprise .
10 But this was untrue , for Minch had become quieter and more peaceful as the months had gone by , staring out over the Zoo with a mysterious tranquillity , as if she had found some contentment that eluded the others .
11 I got to my feet and stood by Taff at the gun , both of us staring out into the night .
12 She moved over to the window , staring out into the darkness .
13 On the roof of one of the cars stood a young man in battle-dress , his gun at the ready , staring out into the darkness .
14 He was staring out into the darkness as if the sound was perfectly normal .
15 She poured herself a gin and tonic and took up a position she had frequently occupied since the kidnap — standing by the lounge window , staring out into the garden , glass cupped in her right hand and cradled against her breast like a child , cigarette held aloft in her left hand , mouth half-open , eyes fixed intently on some distant and perhaps invisible object .
16 We were halfway along one side of the ship , and as I looked to the left I saw Oliver about fifteen feet away , staring out into the Channel .
17 You stay on that , staring out into the dark , till you 're half-way back to Deptford .
18 Instead , she went and stood by her bedroom window , staring out into the street below , where the lamps cast their pale orange light over the pavement .
19 The spoilt , black-haired girl sitting beside him staring out at the river .
20 Sir John took the goblet and went over to the window , staring out at the sun dazzling the snow on Tower Green .
21 He sat up , rubbing his eyes and staring out at the mist that hung over the grey stone building .
22 He could have been seven hundred miles away , his hand holding the side curtain open a little and staring out at the darkness .
23 He sat motionless , staring out at the Britches , for five minutes .
24 She stood , staring out at the pond and the dark Grove rising up the mountain behind it .
25 As I sat in the mouth of the cave looking out at the change in the weather , I wondered how a man in the Old Stone Age must have felt , staring out at the rain , knowing that if it did n't let up soon he 'd have to go out in it and knock a mammoth on the head for tea .
26 After a quick glance back through the shop ( Maisie and Ruthie were staring out at the street in silence ) Henry slid one sheet of the printed paper into Gordon 's typewriter .
27 Smiling to herself , she glanced into the room , and saw General Froebe staring out at the dock with a melancholy gaze .
28 For example , one of their star turns , David Swift , whose appearance in the first programme of the series staring out at the world through bright blue eyes beneath a battered trilby marked him out as a natural , recalls going to dance halls in the 1950s in search of girls : ‘ I mean there were plenty of songs coming out then where they say , Look at the way she walks .
29 She laughed and did not reply , staring out at the trees .
30 Matthew Arnold , staring out at the Channel , thought of Sophocles and the sea of faith that had since receded .
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