Example sentences of "wait [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The price you see is the price you pay — even if you wait for a late booking !
2 Wait for a suitable moment and say : " That is a very interesting point you have raised , Mr R. , which we might wish to take up at a later meeting , but I really do n't think it helps our problem at the moment . "
3 If your flow of ideas dries up , return to your central idea and wait for a new thought .
4 ‘ How long do people wait for a new outpatient appointment ? ’
5 At junctions with a stop sign and a solid white line across your approach , you must stop at the line , wait for a safe gap in the traffic before you move .
6 Competitors face each other , wait for a light draw and fire .
7 The creatures of the open sea , then , live either in the plankton ; or live in the waters beneath and browse upon the plankton — or live upon the browsers ; or they live on the bottom , and wait for the planktonic manna to rain upon them from above ; or they feed on the creatures that feed upon the bottom .
8 ‘ Perhaps an escort , ’ hinted Isabel , worried that Matilda was going to suggest she wait for the good father 's return .
9 A catapult lives with you until the last moment ; it stays tensed in your hands , breathing with you , moving with you , ready to leap , ready to sing and jerk , and leaving you in that dramatic pose , arms and hands outstretched while you wait for the dark curve of the ball in its flight to find its target , that delicious thud .
10 ‘ They find accommodation where they set up a nursery , then sit back and wait for the right opportunity to arise .
11 ‘ I make big scenes for fun , because I adore drama , but I can also wait ten years , wait for the right moment to come .
12 You wait for the other side to post their part back to you on your client 's purchase , thereby leaving you with the initiative to complete the exchange procedure on your client 's sale , and this you should do immediately .
13 WAIT FOR THE FINAL WHISTLE : Silver-bearded Ken Bates sits with wife Pam in the Chelsea stands .
14 I wait for the inevitable question .
15 But there was a flat period just after lunch when there seemed nothing to do but wait for the special meeting at half past three .
16 Enjoy the ride down , let the wind fly through your hair , go with the flow , and wait for the big crash .
17 Well we 'll go on the corporation , wait for a corporation you would n't wait for a corporation , I said wait , wait for the big bus .
18 Instead of waiting a matter of seconds for the lights to change , the hapless riders either remain in the saddle , take a chance when they see a gap in the traffic , or get off and wait for the green man .
19 Wait for the green shadow to rise from the brown ground , then get rolling .
20 However , as you have some discretion in these matters , Mr. Speaker , and while we wait for the Scottish electorate to remove the remainder of the Scottish Conservative party from this House , would it not be appropriate for you to give priority to Scottish Members at Scottish Question Time ?
21 In fact , you can argue and remonstrate until you are blue in the face but certain plans or arrangements can not be progressed just yet and you must simply sit tight and wait for the Full Moon in Aries on the 14th before making any drastic changes or decisions .
22 Well I 'm not , it 's not sometimes they have they wait for the local officer to come on duty .
23 If you 've had to put a plan on ice or wait for an opportune moment to announce a life-expanding decision then you need wait no longer .
24 Hereford 's 5 month wait for an away win in the league came to an end at Spotland .
25 A senior Hong Kong Government official said the deportations would either have to begin this week or wait until the new year .
26 ‘ Let's drink some coffee and wait in the time-honoured fashion . ’
27 Wait in the weltering heat
28 Someone told me how her director always says at the end of her outpourings , ‘ Let us keep silent and wait on the Holy Spirit ’ .
29 Wait till the bloody summer comes and the dust starts blowing .
30 ‘ Feed him cotton wool sandwiches and wait at the other end ! ’ said the vet .
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