Example sentences of "pushed her way [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She pushed her way through the narrow , crowded streets of Southwark and crossed the river by Blackfriars Bridge so that she would n't have to pay a toll .
2 Maura pushed her way through the adults and stationed herself in the front room next to the table piled high with food .
3 She shrugged then pushed her way through the grass , out into the open .
4 Bernice pushed her way through the confused mass of people , looking for Miles or Piper .
5 Once out of Josie 's sight , she turned and pushed her way through the double blackout doors leading directly into the backstage area .
6 This morning , inattentive to everything except the rhythmic ruffle of her rake in the fine gravel , and to the notes of the song she was la-la-ing quietly to herself as she worked , she did not notice Nicandra 's arrival , nor see her as she slipped round the corner of the house and pushed her way through the low branches of the Portugal laurels that screened Silly-Willie 's window from inquisitive visitors .
7 It was still well before nine when she pushed her way through the revolving doors of Lucas Sales , and Luke 's employees were drifting in in ones and twos .
8 Her mother waited while she pushed her way through the crowds jammed round the booths .
9 Hugo looked up in alarm as a woman in a black belted mackintosh and beret pushed her way through the restaurant towards him .
10 Maggie pushed her way through the swinging plate-glass doors and as usual the first thing she saw was a giant mock-up of the front of the magazine , glossy , colourful and slightly daunting , the name magnified out of proportion : QUERY !
11 She pushed her way through the apprehensive nomes until she was face to face , or at least , since Nisodemus was standing on something and she was n't , face to chest .
12 Grimma pushed her way through the packed bodies .
13 She pushed her way through the crowds to the back of the cab , where another group of nomes were already nomehandling a plank into position , and scrambled up to where Dorcas was trying to make himself heard in the middle of an excited crowd .
14 Julia pushed her way to the further chair and sat down , wondering how to make herself small enough to avoid touching David every time she moved or breathed .
15 She pushed her way down the High Street , swinging her shopping bag against the legs of others and being clobbered in return .
16 One concerned neighbour — who is now looking after the boy — eventually pushed her way into the flat and found the stricken woman lying on the floor of the front room with a sheet over her .
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