Example sentences of "planned [prep] the [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The national conference which since late 1991 had been planned as the next stage in the democratization process , was on May 8 postponed until later in the year on the grounds that its preparatory commission had not completed its work .
2 60% of the Progress ' revenue is currently derived from Unix sales : he anticipates sales of Progress on proprietary operating systems to increase , and a port to Hewlett Packard Co 's proprietary MPE-based 3000 systems is planned for the first quarter of 1994 .
3 An object-oriented version of Accell/TP — Accell/Object — is planned for the first quarter of 1993 .
4 Formal announcement is not expected before the autumn , and the product is planned for the first half of next year , with the prime target market seen as MS-DOS users that have not yet succumbed to the blandishments of Windows and might otherwise jump straight to NT .
5 Ernest Kombo , speaker of the transitional legislature , the Higher Council of the Republic ( CSR ) , warned on Sept. 14 , two days before the opening of the CSR 's session , that elections planned for the first half of 1992 might be postponed because a census of the electorate scheduled for mid-September had yet to take place .
6 On March 26 the Yugoslav government urged the UN to speed up the arrival of the full contingent of UNIPROFOR , planned for the first half of April , because of the deteriorating security situation in the Croatian border areas .
7 Pirelli confirms a pan-European TV campaign is planned for the first time , positioning the company 's tyre products as chic and high-performance .
8 Electronic publishing software developer Interleaf Inc , Waltham , Massachusetts , will ship an enhanced version of its RDM relational document management system next month , with Apple Macintosh and Microsoft Windows versions planned for the first time .
9 A ‘ Simultaneous Mission ’ throughout England and Wales was planned for the first month of the new century ; the Queen 's death on 21 January did not alter plans and some said the mission was helped by the heightened emotions produced by her death .
10 As it turned out , the studio ‘ was n't up to much any more and half the equipment was broken ’ , but , according to Mondays ' manager Nathan McGough , ‘ a little light went on as soon as I met Chris and Tina , so I phoned them to ask what they thought of the band and what they had planned for the next couple of months ’ .
11 Further investment for additional backing plant driers is planned for the next stage , as Lyle becomes one of the most up-to-date tufting companies in the business .
12 When the OED was planned in the mid-nineteenth century it was to be a new approach to lexicography .
13 The pub has been largely unchanged for 100 years but owners Bass took advantage of development planned in the next door antiques market to announce a drastic redevelopment .
14 AMERICA 'S utilities have enough capacity , either on line or planned in the next decade , to accommodate 40 million electric vehicles .
15 Such an event normally takes us to Dartmoor or Exmoor , has run on the same basis for the last few years and is planned to the last minute — so why the meeting ?
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