Example sentences of "stand up [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 While the local train gets the road and moves off , the Deltic moves on , again the familiar engines making the exhaust stand up into the dusk sky .
2 In fairness , more than a very few did stand up to the committee in spite of the danger to their swimming pools and their popularity .
3 Indeed the habits of our civilised forebears at work and play would not always stand up to the scrutiny of the modern conscience .
4 But now Bulmers reckon they 've invented a tree that can stand up to the stress .
5 Also that day , to the Crown Prince 's surprise and considerable annoyance , Knobelsdorf engineered — without consulting him — the transfer of his own personal staff officer , Lieutenant-Colonel von Heymann , who was evidently the only officer in the Crown Prince 's entourage who could stand up to the iron will of Knobelsdorf .
6 Meredith was amazed that he could n't see that the old key would never stand up to the pressure he was putting on it .
7 ‘ I thought I would wear my thick coat because it might be cold waiting for the bus and it would stand up to the rain .
8 Erm compared to other places you 've lived in erm how does this flat stand up to the comparison ?
9 The stories of what it was like there in the hours that followed , and of the lingering deaths of 31 of the most exposed people , make the hair stand up on the back of your neck .
10 People who 've seen it say it makes the hair stand up on the back of their necks . ’
11 It 's hard to resist the malevolent allure of the Third Reich , and when I telephoned Sibylle one evening a week or so later , the sound of her rich , Teutonic voice eloquently describing its owner 's activities in the Hitler Youth movement made the hairs stand up on the back of my neck .
12 Every now and then one of them would stand up on the sofa and trample restlessly round like a dog resettling itself into its sleeping place .
13 When you feel that next time you can stand up without the chattering
14 He wore a rich robe so encrusted with precious metals and stones that I wondered if he could stand up under the weight And his eyes were tiny , wet and somehow avid as he looked me over — wholly ignoring Mala — from head to foot .
15 It had not occurred to him that he could stand up in the pub , leave the beer half-drunk , the sandwich half-eaten , walk out into the London early evening .
16 And by the way , I do n't know why we 're sitting crouched down here because we could stand up by the spruce there : its shadow is darker than the sky , and we could be more ready for them .
17 You ca n't stand up near the side .
18 The reasons for the brutality and racism which are displayed every day at the ports of entry in Britain and at the British High Commissions in the Indian subcontinent are the laws themselves — laws which are seen as essential to wider government policy and which though blatantly racist ( in fact they would not stand up before the Race Relations Act ) were each introduced as a contribution to good community relations .
19 Education Viewpoint : Who will stand up against the idea of student fees ?
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