Example sentences of "laid out [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At Chalton in Hampshire and Cowdery 's Down near Basingstoke , the buildings were more regularly laid out but not extensive enough to be called villages , while at Catholme in Staffordshire and Thirlings in Northumberland , the earlier settlements had not only been abandoned , but probably forgotten when areas of ridge and furrow were laid out over the top .
2 Alida turned away , to the tea trolley , impeccably laid out with the Worcester china , for she intended to give the impression of perfect comfort , and a good background , of genteel upbringing and attention to detail .
3 Trained by the man in form Nigel Twiston-Davies , who had a double at Cheltenham , Captain Dibble has been laid out for the race and has n't run since January when he finished third behind Very Very Ordinary carrying 12 stone at Ascot .
4 It appears to me as though Captain Diobble has been laid out for the race and although there are no such things as a certainty in a National , I feel he may be the right one .
5 But the piece bubbles with character and is well laid out for the medium .
6 I landed in a heap of cardboard boxes , shredded paper and polystyrene which had evidently been laid out for the purpose and prepared to come up fighting .
7 Each person 's contribution is clearly laid out for the project and it can be seen how it will proceed from activity to activity .
8 She then went on to point out that several pieces of silver had been laid out for the dining room which bore clear remains of polish .
9 The Schlosspark at Donaueschingen was laid out for the princes of Fürstenberg in the eighteenth century .
10 The earliest area of crofts may have been situated on a bluff west of the church , while an extended area was later laid out to the north around a triangular green , with an earlier Norman manor house going out of use at the same time .
11 ‘ There is no dance house in London which is big enough for what we want to do , ’ she said , looking admiringly at the spacious stage area being laid out to the rear of the former Empire Theatre .
12 that one you 've already seen laid out of the colour
13 The cuffs of his cream silk shirt were still linked , the discreet but expensive tie still knotted at his neck ; his only concession to the sun was that his light blue blazer was carefully laid out along the back seat .
14 She had spotted it when Stella was laid out on the sofa .
15 When David gave the all clear the paragliders were laid out on the hillside forming splashes of startling colour on the green backdrop .
16 The upstairs lighting circuit is laid out on the floor of the loft , taking care not to put it under any loft insulation ( where it could overheat ) , and not to put junction boxes where they could be damaged by careless feet .
17 A nylon Firebird sleeping bag was laid out on the floor directly in front of the door , obviously being used as a makeshift pillow .
18 Jarvis 's train set , the one which had diverted him from his mother 's grief on the day her father hanged himself , was laid out on the floor in Lower Six , a classroom on the top floor , and Jarvis had told Jasper he could play with it whenever he liked .
19 He was looking at a beautiful textbook about racehorses that Arthur had laid out on the floor .
20 I sometimes think that if the mutilated bodies of those who have been killed were laid out on the Floor of this Chamber the consequences of the decisions of those who sit here might be more effectively brought home to them .
21 " The way the pots are laid out on the floor upside down , all showing the marks .
22 it was in here it was sort of like , he 'd been niggly all day , he was tired , he sort of like knocked it over with his foot , and of course it went straight over the dry nappy that was laid out on the floor ready to put under him , I said oh that nappy
23 A red carpet was laid out on the runway by soldiers — they only just had it straight when the official parties arrived .
24 The body is laid out on the back with hands at the side , the eyes are closed ( coins or cotton wool on the eyelids will help ) the jaw supported by a pillow , and all the natural outlets of the body plugged with cotton wool .
25 In one of the accompanying photographs it will be noticed that the swingle trees have been laid out on the chassis in front of the boot containing the collapsible bed .
26 laid out on the road !
27 For years afterward , whenever a line was accidentally misaligned ( as happened , for instance , at Sough Tunnel on the Blackburn & bolton in 1847 ) , it was always said to have been ‘ laid out on the Flynn principle . ’
28 This is best laid out on the plates whilst the brains are being simmered .
29 The cat had been laid out on the step , like an offering , scarcely recognisable as a grey tabby through the blood that matted its fur .
30 The audience influences the style by indicating the seriousness , formality , or otherwise that the publication should adopt and the first area that this affects is the way the text is laid out on the page .
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