Example sentences of "precisely the same [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One of the most fascinating scientific experiments of recent years showed that when people ate meals at a rapid rate they became hungry again more quickly than when they ate precisely the same size of meal at a slower rate .
2 But my location 321762 is in precisely the same position in my cells as your location 321762 is in your cells .
3 Just over five and a half years later , I stood on the same spot and watched the Israelis drive down the same road to be greeted in precisely the same way by the same Christians on the same balconies .
4 But had the Labour Party won the last Election they too would be facing hefty tax bills and precisely the same threat to their lavish standards of living .
5 Precisely the same union in disgrace happens in the series to the Mistress , as we saw in discussing 138 : ‘ Therefore I lie with her , and she with me , /And in our faults by lies we flatter 'd be . ’
6 So I remind myself that it does n't really matter about things being put back in exactly the same place in the cupboard , or precisely the same brand of tea being bought , or the carrots being cut to exactly the right dimensions .
7 It will be seen that ν 5 is at almost precisely the same frequency in each case , but that both ν 2 and ν 6 vary in frequency with the mass of the halogen .
8 The content was precisely the same sort of thing as the play 's having begun on Saturn with Helen of Troy in the audience , which never happened .
9 An engineering expert in stress told me that it has recently been discovered that two pieces of metal , indistinguishable unless subjected to sophisticated tests , react differently to precisely the same amount of stress .
10 ‘ We 've had precisely the same argument in Kampur and in Bombay , in Delhi and in Madras .
11 Figures in the CBI report show that manufacturing output in the past decade , at precisely the same point in the economic cycle , is up by a quarter , investment is up by a third , productivity is up by a half and manufactured exports are up by nearly three quarters .
12 Precisely the same fear of revaluation underlay the continual reluctance of the German and Japanese authorities to see their currencies held as reserves by other countries .
13 Even if an agreed definition can be arrived at and some core features identified , it need not be the case that all forms of creative expression demand precisely the same set of mental operations or depend equally upon the same intellectual qualities .
14 Suspects and witnesses have special characteristics that will not be found in precisely the same mix in other randomly chosen members of the population and can not , therefore , be precisely re-enacted with others .
15 ‘ By an astonishing coincidence in the examiners ’ model solution precisely the same piece of goobledegook appears at precisely the same point . ’
16 At precisely the same moment at which central government concerns to reduce spending on the welfare state became dominant , it became more difficult to ensure that local authorities would do what was required .
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