Example sentences of "precisely the same [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 And I fear therefore that we 're in precisely the same position as we were when the presbytery of Hamilton brought their overture to us .
2 An equitable mortgagee seeking possession is in precisely the same position as a legal mortgagee ( Barclays Bank Ltd v Bird [ 1954 ] Ch 274 at p 280 ) , but the remedy of an equitable chargee is only by way of sale ( see The Supreme Court Practice Vol 1 at 50/1 — 9/23 ) .
3 Clearly , the railways will run in precisely the same way whether the railwaymen use this facility or not , so there is no extra charge to the Railways Board itself , therefore there would be no taxable benefits .
4 This seemed a suitable area on which to work , and we proceeded in precisely the same way as before , with Sylvia imagining the situation under hypnosis and then going off to do her homework for however long was necessary .
5 Denying that people learned in precisely the same way as pigeons , Cartier insisted that the reason why a programme taught better than typical traditional methods was usually because of the latter 's inadequately prepared design :
6 The schedule of accommodation which forms the basic document around which the rest of the building note is developed , and which I shall illustrate , was prepared , for this particular group of patients , in precisely the same way as it had been done for some of the other sub-groups within mental illness and mental handicapped for which various supplements have been prepared to which I referred above .
7 Namely , that the Spirit acts for , and in , and against men in precisely the same way as Jesus had done when on earth .
8 Paul sees it in precisely the same way as John .
9 The stream of expected earnings is discounted in precisely the same way as the stream of expected dividends using the same discount rate ( because the discount rate applies to the risk class of the activities of the entire firm ) .
10 The fair price of the stock index futures contract can be calculated in precisely the same way as with the other contracts .
11 Whichever bone it was , it was a crotch in shape ; that is , a forked bone like a wish-bone , and having precisely the same shape as the frog — the horny elastic pad — in a horse 's hoof .
12 Before the war at a luncheon party like this people would have said precisely the same things but they would have sounded different , because in those days they were accompanied by a sort of humming noise , not articulate , but musical , exciting , which changed the value of the words themselves …
13 All point to precisely the same problems as were identified when evaluating the original model fits .
14 Paley compares the eye with a designed instrument such as a telescope , and concludes that " there is precisely the same proof that the eye was made for vision , as there is that the telescope was made for assisting it " .
15 I mean it does n't pick up precisely the same colour but that in there
16 Lavier continues to reflect on paradoxes , with such examples as the superimposition of a safe on a refrigerator , both objects having been covered with paint of precisely the same colour as the original .
17 Telephone calls to the office get precisely the same response as Sir Geoffrey got — a polite girl saying that Mr. Stavanger is away .
18 Or again , it is as though the disorganized and random bursts of photons present in a beam of white light were suddenly all being accelerated and agitated to precisely the same frequency and directed at the same spot — to produce the awesome source of energy that we have come to know as the laser .
19 The geneticist should recognize genes ‘ for ’ house shape in precisely the same sense as there are genes for , say , leg shape .
20 This argument misses the point that Freud 's notion of instinct is a link concept between the bio-physical and the experiential — geese do not experience in precisely the same sense as human beings do .
21 Whether this is a plain green , or yellow , or an overall mottled grey and brown , the result is a body-covering of precisely the same hue and tone .
22 The president of the Wolverhampton chamber of commerce delivered precisely the same speech as the one of which he sent me a copy beforehand and I have it here .
23 My Lords if this bill had been introduced by a government of a different political persuasion to the present one , I would of course have spoken in precisely the same terms as I do today and I believe that in circumstances of that sort , the overwhelming majority of this House would have taken precisely the same view .
24 We were in precisely the same place that we had been in three dawns previously !
25 If we turn to St. John , it is precisely the same picture that meets us , although painted in very different colours .
26 Is it precisely the same meaning that the historian meant to convey ?
27 It is precisely the same quality that makes them resist brutality in prisons but we do not applaud that .
28 It can not be supposed , then , that the STV would work in the United Kingdom in precisely the same ways as it does in Ireland .
29 the suspect counsel to is no they would n't , and they would raise precisely the same points as er being raised in this defence , er which are surely if there is anything in them , equally available to every other name
30 What remains true , however , is that with the removal of trade barriers and the emergence of complete monetary union , the member nations of the EC will confront precisely the same issues that confronted regions within those nations prior to the union .
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