Example sentences of "support for [art] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Nó0honshugi was a combination of physiocratic theories , support for the traditional values of village society and structure , and a belief in the spiritual values of rural life .
2 Support for the new governors undertaking the management was without equal .
3 Figure 5.3 shows support for the Equal Rights Amendment ( ERA ) to the United States Constitution , proposed in 1972 but never ratified because although it passed through both houses of Congress it did not receive the positive vote of three-quarters of the State Legislatures within seven years , as required by the Constitution .
4 On the face of it then , the direct evidence from sample surveys of businessmen 's expectations seems to provide very little , if any , support for the rational expectations hypothesis .
5 Studies using those that do exist provide little support for the rational expectations hypothesis .
6 Support for the European Communities ( EC ) was becoming generally stronger since the EC was seen as a means of integrating a united Germany into western Europe and maintaining the influence of the smaller countries .
7 In a keynote address on July 15 , Major called on G-7 leaders to " build a world partnership and strengthen international order " by adopting a five-point plan covering global arms control , a strengthened UN , international free trade , support for the democratic movements in eastern Europe and the Soviet Union , and increased trade with these countries .
8 As far as heads were concerned , coordinators needed from them a properly negotiated version of the Authority 's job specification , support for the difficult tasks they were required to undertake , and a preparedness to include them within the team of senior staff involved in the development of policy .
9 Other related activities include membership of a westen European EDIFACT board and support for the British Standards Institution 's EDI activities .
10 Had the recession been staved off for longer , support for the Scottish Nationalists — now at 31 p.c. in the polls and only seven points behind Labour — might not have been as strong .
11 The launch comes at a time when support for the Green Parties of Europe appears to be waning .
12 After a general discussion of the planned Middle East peace conference [ see p. 38452 ] , support for the national rights of the Palestinians was reaffirmed and Israel 's intransigence and continuation of its settlement policy condemned .
13 A police spokesperson declared on Jan. 10 that allegations of police support for the so-called vigilantes was a " blatant lie " .
14 Labour believes it can still secure a clear breakthrough over the next three days and plans to concentrate on its key themes : support for the public services , particularly the NHS , and measures to pull the economy out of recession .
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