Example sentences of "convention for a [adj] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Up to now , the PAC has refused to meet the Pretoria government or to join the Convention for a Democratic South Africa ( Codesa ) negotiations on a multi-racial constitutional agreement .
2 By the time the PAC had returned to the negotiating table in April , after boycotting an earlier round of talks within the framework of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa , it had adopted a highly equivocal stand on violence , committing itself to a negotiated settlement but asserting its right to continue the ‘ armed struggle ’ .
3 I welcome the meeting of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa in December .
4 Delegates from 20 groups agreed after preparatory talks in Johannesburg on Nov. 29-30 on a date for the start of substantive negotiations on South Africa 's future constitution ; a " Convention for a Democratic South Africa " ( CODESA ) would hold its opening session in Johannesburg on Dec. 20-21 .
5 The Convention for a Democratic South Africa ( CODESA — see p. 38520 ) held its opening meeting in Johannesburg on Dec. 20-21 , when delegations from the government and 18 other groups including the African National Congress ( ANC ) and the ruling National Party ( NP ) met to begin substantive negotiations for the establishment of a democratic constitution .
6 These steps were agreed by the government , the African National Congress ( ANC ) and 17 other political groups at the first meeting of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa ( CODESA ) in December [ see pp. 38662-63 ] .
7 On Feb. 24 the ANC announced its revised constitutional proposals at the Convention for a Democratic South Africa ( CODESA ) .
8 These were tabled on March 23 at the Convention for a Democratic South Africa ( CODESA ) and were based on NP plans for a two-phase transition , as outlined in September 1991 and expanded in January [ see pp. 38442 ; 38704-05 ] .
9 In a speech during the budget debate in Parliament on April 23 State President F. W. de Klerk made new , more detailed constitutional proposals which the ruling National Party ( NP ) would table at a meeting of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa ( CODESA ) scheduled for May .
10 The second plenary session of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa ( CODESA II ) was held on May 15-16 in Johannesburg .
11 On June 23 , amid accusations of government complicity in violence against its supporters , the African National Congress ( ANC ) announced that it was withdrawing from the Convention for a Democratic South Africa ( CODESA ) , the main forum for constitutional negotiations .
12 Issuing a series of warnings to the government and the ANC , they called for the scrapping of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa ( CODESA — the multiparty forum for constitutional negotiations — see p. 38897 ) and condemned the Record of Understanding between the government and ANC reached in September [ see pp. 39078-79 ] .
13 The President set February 1993 as the deadline for the resumption of multiparty talks , either in the context of a restructured CODESA ( Convention for a Democratic South Africa ) [ see pp. 38896-97 ; 39128 ] or a completely new forum .
14 Multi-party talks at Codesa ( the Convention for a Democratic South Africa ) broke down eight months ago when the ANC walked out after the massacre of more than 40 of its sympathisers in Boipatong township by followers of the Zulu-dominated Inkatha Freedom Party .
15 The meeting will be the first involving the big three of South Africa 's 15-month-old democracy negotiations since the Convention for a Democratic South Africa ( Codesa ) collapsed last May in a row over the powers of local governments .
16 The outline agreement they reached recently about the country 's transition to full democracy still has to be discussed at a multi-party forum to be re-convened along the lines of the previous Convention for a Democratic South Africa ( CODESA ) ; but already they are beginning to position themselves for elections which are likely to be a year away .
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