Example sentences of "assumption that [adj] [noun] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Apart from these comments there is a general assumption that domiciliary services should be non-specialised .
2 On the basis of this information , and on the assumption that all loads will come in time , might we speculate to accumulate and design a cost effective new IP/MP infrastructure in an area that might become a blueprint for future mains extensions ?
3 Inherent in this willingness is the assumption that occasional failures will be experienced and will be accepted as a normal part of the learning process that accompanies change .
4 This case highlights a second weakness of Dicey 's approach , namely his assumption that individual liberty can be adequately protected by the decisions of English judges .
5 It started with the assumption that 100,000 bombs would fall on the capital within fourteen days of the declaration of war .
6 The assumption that global warming will lead to widespread coastal flooding as melting ice caps provoke sea-level rises has been challenged by geographers at Edinburgh University .
7 It was attractive but fantastic in its assumption that such employment could be provided in an age of widespread rural underemployment heightened by occasionally severe local unemployment .
8 ‘ On the assumption that good times will come again , people that buy these things now will make a lot of money . ’
9 Darwin regarded the local varieties that exist within many species as incipient new species , on the assumption that further change would increase the separation between the varieties to such an extent that they would eventually be unable to breed together .
10 The rationale for using assessment procedures to diagnose different kinds of language disorder rests principally on the assumption that different treatments can be evaluated with respect to different conditions ( Cantwell and Baker 1987 ) .
11 I do not claim to understand the economics of this system , which depends on small print-runs and numbingly high prices , and the assumption that institutional libraries will ‘ want ’ , or need , to buy these books .
12 There is a widespread assumption that atomistic activities should come first and holistic ones second .
13 The operation of the offline system is designed on the assumption that any media used to retain offline files are of the nature of ‘ write-once ’ media .
14 The coalition had to agree in principle to the report , announcing its determination to implement the report 's assumption that mass unemployment must be prevented .
15 Over recent years we have become increasingly alarmed by the dramatic growth in aggregates demand and the assumption that this growth will continue and must be catered for .
16 Over recent years we have become increasingly alarmed by the dramatic growth in aggregates demand and the assumption that this growth will continue and must be catered for .
17 I 'm going on the assumption that this mine could well be dropped by a surface vessel as well as a plane .
18 All of the findings we report are based on the assumption that this questionnaire can accurately and reproducibly detect a change in anxiety , even when the same questionnaire is administered twice with just one hour between each assessment .
19 More specifically , the model makes the usual associative assumption that excitatory links will be established between representations ( of elements ) that are activated concurrently .
20 Another weakness is the implicit assumption that underlying meaning can always be formulated in words .
21 Housing Benefit can be reduced where there are other people in a household , because of an assumption that some resources will be shared .
22 Thus the last burst of activity in the UK housing market — from the mid-Eighties to 1989 , when many of the largest mortgages were taken on — was based on the assumption that some rates would remain at or below the ten per cent threshold .
23 I reflected that I was sitting there letting her do so on the assumption that those notes would be our reference point for what we did over the next few weeks .
24 Campaigns for diagnostic technology like CT whole body scanners are often premised on the assumption that earlier diagnosis will lead to an improved outcome for patients .
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