Example sentences of "continue [to-vb] [prep] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Although arguments continue to rage over the effects of nitrogen on health , once digested through food or water it is suspected of having links with blue baby syndrome by reducing the oxygen -carrying capacity of the blood , and cancers of the stomach and oesophagus .
2 They acknowledge the low pay of the farm worker but , the argument runs , they can not be paid more so long as their returns to capital invested continue to fall behind the returns available to industrial employers .
3 In Britain , Pakistani women continue to enthuse over the fashions in Salwar Kamiz which reach London from Pakistan , usually via Bradford .
4 As the UK construction and property markets continue to struggle in the depths of recession , spare a few thoughts for those ‘ built — environment ’ graduates soon to be released into the careers market .
5 Since , however , cases concerning property which has devolved according to those provisions will for many years continue to come before the courts , they are summarized in a note at the end of the book .
6 You could begin your essay by acknowledging this and continue to work with the definitions throughout the essay , relating the different definitions together in the conclusion .
7 We continue to work with the police , the FBI , and Interpol on stolen works of art .
8 Father , we thank you that you continue to work in the lives of our fellow believers , restoring health and strength to the sick , comforting those who are sad , supporting those who are lonely .
9 It is now daylight and another new day , as we continue to trudge along the road ; there is no conversation , it 's just heads down and continue to look at the boots of the man in front .
10 As a consequence , fiduciary duties continue to apply to the directors of a company and to 'shadow " directors ( persons whose instructions or directions often determine the decision of the board of directors ) .
11 The schools of the 1960s and 1970s continue to function with the teachers in them adapting their style to meet contemporary needs and expectations .
12 Many Serbs , however , continue to live in the cities and the urban areas of Croatia , and they must be encouraged to do so , if necessary , by an international guarantee of their rights .
13 Continue to snap off the side-shoots which will appear in the leaf joints of your tomato plants .
14 Military and economic historians continue to argue about the quantities and quality of aid received by the two sides , and the financial and economic costs thereof .
15 The question is , will libraries , which spend very small amounts of money on the user education service , continue to subscribe to the services of the national clearinghouses when the financial situation becomes even tighter ?
16 Instead DHAs and GP fundholders continue to act as the agents of patients , purchasing services on their behalf .
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