Example sentences of "waited [adv] for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 An air of hesitancy had prevailed for most of the day as the City waited nervously for the Budget .
2 The columns for support and supply had been alerted long ago , the clansmen waited only for the signal , and his great seal on the writs his messengers carried would bring them out to join him like bees from a hive disturbed .
3 The case had attracted the attention of the world 's press and the public waited eagerly for the climax .
4 A crowd of Glaswegians waited patiently for the ferry .
5 The sky clouded , grew overcast and heavy , and they waited patiently for the rain to start in on them again , knowing they would be in the warmth of Ivrigar by nightfall .
6 For most of the following day , the team of operators waited patiently for the temperature to drop .
7 I ate nothing until the day arrived , and all morning I waited impatiently for the coach .
8 She had been amazed to find that he was n't married , and waited painfully for the announcement of an engagement , or a sizzling scandalous affair .
9 The Gnomes sat together at the end of the breakfast table and waited anxiously for the verdict .
10 Clare , who blushed with shame whenever she thought about it , waited anxiously for the result of her tests at St Stephen 's Hospital .
11 Evelyn waited anxiously for the heaving to subside .
12 In a comfortable , pleasant sitting-room , the two ladies of the house waited anxiously for the doctor and the police to arrive .
13 To Wilson , they all seemed to be in a fever and like any good nurse she waited anxiously for the point of crisis , more concerned about the fate of Mrs Browning than about that of Italy .
14 ‘ Dear Gutter of Stowey ! ’ he wrote at Bridgwater while he waited distractedly for the carrier .
15 In the enormous dining room , even the chandeliers seemed to tremble as they waited breathlessly for the arrival of the Prince of Wales .
16 We waited expectantly for the arrival of the spotters who usually provided the information on the train engine .
17 They took him from his horse , and laid him tenderly on the ground ; Ranulf stood watch while they waited quietly for the man to die .
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