Example sentences of "brings [pers pn] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These works make explicit what is only suggested in this livret the opening number of the work serves as a processional for the instrumentalists and some or all of the singers and dancers that brings them into the performing space .
2 well , then that brings them into the realm of politics and is it such a good idea to have a royal family with opinions that are funded by the state ?
3 He is indeed , as John Taylor has aptly called him , ‘ the go-between God ’ , for he both takes the things of God and makes them real to us on the one hand , and takes our faint longings and prayers and brings them to the Father on the other .
4 But questions of this sort are not just matters of zoological taxonomy , they are also the necessary central problem for all religious systems and this is what brings them within the scope of social anthropology .
5 They may also be concerned with relating these types to the symbolic meaning of each code within the community ( an aim which brings them within the scope of ( 3 ) below ) and even seek to establish a theory with predictive power , i.e. the ability to predict instances of switching within a stretch of discourse .
6 That brings me to the decision in Ex parte Handscomb , 86 Cr.App.R. 59 .
7 Which brings me to the heart of the matter — how important is it to God that the law is upheld ?
8 ‘ This now brings me to the moment when I have immense pleasure in asking Douglas Irwin to come up and receive the watch worn by his father on that fateful night nearly fifty years ago .
9 Which brings me to the point that we must not lose sight of the fact that in rugby terms we are not world champions .
10 And that brings me to the point that was made er by Mr and others on the other side of the table , that the structure plan does have a policy of a continued reduction in migration .
11 And that , of course , ’ said Charles ‘ brings me to the identity of the real murderer .
12 Thanks very much indeed Pat , and erm that brings me to the end of the lunch time phone in , in fact , the end of my stint on the lunch time phone in , because on Monday Bill will be back ; Bill Heine , so you 'll be able to join him just after the twelve o'clock news .
13 Which brings me to the prize money for this week ; £15 to Bill Greenwell and Gerard Benson £12 to Nicholas Murray and a tenner for the rest .
14 Which brings me to the matter of my heroic cousin , Lord Victor Rune VC , and the most singular circumstances surrounding his tragic and untimely demise .
15 and John one in verse twelve it says but as many have received him , to them he gave the right , the authority , the , the power , to become children of God , even to those who believe on his name and this of course is what making our commitment to Christ is , it 's receiving him for ourselves , it 's plugging in , it 's saying yes I have n't got that power myself , I am not able to do it I need you to come and do it for me , I accept that you have that power , you have that authority , you have dealt with my sin and I receive it for me , we trust Christ to save us from sin and commit ourselves to his kingly ruling our lives , we are as the bible says then , born again , new creations , we are made alive in Christ , I give you one verse in Colossians and in chapter three , verse four it says when Christ who is our life is revelled , then you also no sorry verse , verse three , verse three , sorry for you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God but you say that 's all very well that , that brings me into the place of becoming a follower of Jesus yes I 've accepted him , but what about all this pressures here , Christ I , I 'm willing to receive them and to make the centre of my life , I 've received that he died for me , but what about all those things that 's twisting and marring and distorting my life , that 's rubbing me , my life can be more , God wants it to be , well that 's the great thing when Jesus comes , he does n't just come and sit down and that 's all there is to it , but he comes in by the holy spirit and as Christ is the centre of our life so he , as we submit to him and to his authority as we become obedient to his word , doing what he tells us , what he says for us , then the power of his spirit in our life starts operating , God the holy spirit , cos that 's how we become Christians , we are born again of God spirit and God Christ was in us , not the man who walked here on Galilee , he is a man in glory , but he comes into your life and into my life by the holy spirit and he gives us new spiritual resources which help us to overcome those influences of evil that are pressing in on us and trying to , to , to , to distort our lives and depress it into its mould , those things that have spoiled our lives , he gives us spiritual power and spiritual resources over them .
16 My pensions from former employers , together with income from investments , brings me into the age allowance scale , while my wife receives a reduced state pension based on my contributions together with building society interest , which alone would not cover the allowances .
17 Stay with your way of praying , provided it helps and brings you into the presence of God .
18 Stay with the method of prayer that helps most and brings you into the Presence of God .
19 The new Expressway gives easier access from the main motorway network and brings you into the Town Centre of Colwyn Bay .
20 Fifteen minutes by taxi from Ibiza airport brings you to the port and a choice of crossings to Formentera .
21 A short walk from the castle brings you to the excitement of the TALES OF ROBIN HOOD — the world 's greatest Medieval Adventure .
22 A few steps past the skips brings you to the lift , an aluminium cell sticky with spit and sweets and smelling of disinfectant .
23 A second ladder stile brings you onto the coast path above Ogof y Ffos — the cave of the dyke , best viewed from the coast path .
24 " It is not a job that brings him into the public eye , but , believe me , he is one of the most trusted officers of the bank . "
25 So Madam I 'm asking you to say that these circumstances , this is the sort of case that should never have come before the court , it should 've been sorted out between the parties themselves , with the aid of their solicitors , and that it 's only the overreaction of the police in this particular circumstance that brings him before the court here .
26 This is then forgotten or repressed when it seems to have vanished altogether and there 's a third period , what Freud calls the return of the repressed when the initial trauma comes back in the form of symptoms and er ideally in the form of an analysis that finally brings it to the surface of consciousness and dissolves it , and this is a typical pattern .
27 brings it to the door
28 He takes one of them , brings it to the coal house and empties it there .
29 In the second the end user develops an idea for a new product that is beyond the present vision of the industry and brings it to the attention of a manufacturer or industry .
30 From the medical perspective , the problem , if it is a ‘ problem ’ , is seen as located in the individual , its origin lying in an innate physiological disorder which brings it into the realm of medical jurisdiction .
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