Example sentences of "hold down the [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 All you have to do is move the cross hair in the direction in which you want to shoot , hold down the shoot button to select the power of the stroke and then you tee off .
2 So everybody have document and hit shift F ten and they 're on page nine now if we go , hold down the alt key and type B and you 'll just see er a shimmer go down the screen an then you do n't actually see anything , but if you alt U , everything appears underlined alt K converts everything into small capitals alt S , strikes through everything and alt I italicizes all the words .
3 Strings secured to the timber edgings hold down the polythene cover .
4 If Caps Lock is on and you hold down the shift key , lower case letters are typed
5 Then , hold down the Shift key and move the cursor to the end of the block you want selected .
6 If you selected a word hold down the Shift key and click on the last word of the selection — similarly for paragraphs .
7 Just hold down the fire button to determine strength , and position the joystick as for a standard kick .
8 The direction and power of the smash is affected by when you hit the ball , what direction the ball 's already travelling , and how long you hold down the fire button !
9 After selecting number 2 into the current colour box , go to FUNCTION in the top menu bar and hold down the mouse button .
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