Example sentences of "expect [verb] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We expect to stimulate significant improvements in NHS performance , particularly on waiting times , as a result .
2 Our estate agency loss has been reduced and we expect to see some improvement in this business as the housing market responds to lower interest rates .
3 Following that up when , when can your long suffering shareholders er , expect to see any return on the B Sky B stake and a follow up on that ?
4 Allowing for intersubject variability , one night still expect to see marked changes in the histology of the small bowel after infusion of 100 mg of pure peptide .
5 We expect to secure more work in 1993 for specialist areas of activity in particular with HV Fox and Satellite DGPS and there will be closer operational links with Aberdeen .
6 I expect to find rich pickings in the Ministry of Defence , with its townships , its airfields , its office blocks , its country houses , its sailors ' hostel in South Kensington and its acreage of land which would make up an English county .
7 Many potential purchasers expect to find fitted wardrobes in bedrooms these days .
8 Students taking degree courses involving field work ( eg Architecture , Ecology , Geography , and Geology ) can incur expenses of £200 plus , spread over the three , four or five years of the course , but can in most cases expect to receive some help from University funds in meeting these .
9 The five-year MEng honours degree course is for particularly able students who expect to assume responsible positions in industry immediately after graduation .
10 Expect to hear good news before sundown .
11 I expect to hear this morning from Yuli Voronpsov , the country 's deputy prime minister , that private contractors are moving into the Kremlin Hospital in Moscow .
12 For example , we expect to have two modes of b 2 symmetry , giving rise to two a-type bands in the IR spectrum of the gas .
13 Or could it be that one was from March 24–26 and the other from April 6–9 when politicians of all parties confidently expect to have other things on their minds ?
14 Workers expect to have some control over the means by which they perform a set task , and they resent having means specified in too much detail .
15 However , the public rightly expect to have particular assurance about standards of safety in the nuclear industry ’ .
16 Where kids become worldly-wise with such rapidity , it is easy for a certain laissez-faire to creep in ; they expect to have unbridled access to everything , and in the long run this is not doing any favours to either party concerned .
17 Many local caciques or large landowners expect to have sexual access to campesina women , particularly young girls , living on or near their estates .
18 Education again provides a good example : central government has a strong interest in the provision of an education service which meets its perception of national priorities ; local people , especially parents , expect to have considerable influence over the education provided for their children .
19 Now they expect to make significant inroads in patient waiting time .
20 Even in these circumstances we still expect to make steady progress in 1993 .
21 Current trends suggest that many organisations expect to store increasing percentages of their records in improved versions of such systems .
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