Example sentences of "refused [verb] the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Not only would Ulster be right to resist , but so would army officers who refused to enforce the decision of parliament :
2 Obviously , she was disturbing him , but she refused to acknowledge the twinge of guilt that prodded her .
3 He refused to acknowledge the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Rome and in a letter to the Queen made a spirited defence of the repudiation of papal jurisdiction and the adoption of the mother tongue for worship .
4 He refused to continue the legacy of executions which had been symptomatic of his father 's regime .
5 ‘ I think I 'd better have tomato , ’ she said dolefully , and refused to like the sound of his laughter .
6 In response to these attacks , Archbishop Romero refused to attend the inauguration of the new president , General Romero , claiming he had a more important engagement with the people , an adroit reference to the huge fraud and violence which had accompanied the elections .
7 Anglian Water Authority refused to attend the meeting of residents in Oakham because of rules preventing them discussing matters that might depress the share price during privatisation , and because there was little information available .
8 Other members of the leadership of the Communist Party ( Kommunistikon Komma Ellados — KKE-Exterior ) refused to attend the conference of the Alliance , which was now effectively without KKE support .
9 Member States refused to meet the claims of the many and various creditors , third parties to the International Tin Agreement .
10 The opposition refused to accept the legality of the move and threatened to resign en masse in protest over the DLP 's disregard for legislative procedure .
11 Although William would have been happy to keep bishops within the Kirk , the Scottish episcopal bench , led by Bishop Alexander Rose of Edinburgh , refused to accept the legitimacy of the new regime .
12 The government in its response to Layfield ( DOE 1977e ) refused to accept the logic of the alternatives presented : they believed , as politicians are wont to do , in the possibility of finding less radical compromises .
13 The Church settlement was bitterly resented amongst the Scottish nobility , and also amongst many of the established clergy , more than half of whom refused to accept the abolition of episcopacy .
14 Yet this was the sort of argument used by various archaeologists , notably Glyn Daniel , who refused to accept the findings of Thom , Hawkins and a growing number of others .
15 In 1922 the Conservative/Liberal Coalition led by Lloyd George which had ruled Britain since 1918 was overthrown by a revolt of Conservative back-benchers who refused to accept the advice of their leaders that the Coalition should continue .
16 I asked Emma Johnson about the celebrated clarinet virtuoso , Richard Mühlfeld , for whom Brahms wrote his clarinet quintet but who refused to accept the dedication of the Stanford concerto , and consequently never played the work .
17 The judge in the Matrix Churchill case refused to accept the attempt of four Cabinet ministers , acting on the advice of the Attorney-General , to allow three innocent businessmen to face near-certain imprisonment .
18 He and a group of clerical supporters refused to accept the outcome of events , despite the fact that Cautinus was at first conciliatory — he may even have been responsible for the proposal that Cato should be given the see of Tours .
19 In one of heavyweight boxing 's most distinguished nights , Bowe had to tear the crown from a champion who refused to accept the inevitability of defeat even when he was knocked down and seemingly out in the 11th round of a brilliant fight .
20 She too refused to accept the justice of the imprisonment .
21 God alone is the sole author of the universe , but , as it were , one of the characters created by God refused to accept the dependency of a created being and insisted on equal powers and rights with the author .
22 Hiding inside her head , Jezrael refused to accept the world of blue .
23 Nkumbula 's departure came the day after parliament refused to accept the report of a committee which had investigated the abuse of public funds by Cabinet ministers .
24 In 1990 , the Royal Mail refused to celebrate the centenary of the Forth Bridge , one of the engineering feats of the 19th century .
25 Scotland Yard refused to identify the victims of Monday night 's blaze at Earlsfield , south London .
26 He refused to discuss the involvement of Mr Ford and Mr Naguib with the army but was optimistic that all or most of the money could be found .
27 Milken refused to play the game of domino justice , so the case against him will stand or fall on its own merits .
28 Mr. Kenealy then said that he had reliable information that patients ' heads were verminous , but he absolutely refused to divulge the sources of the complaints , in which case , the committee said , they would take no further action .
29 Conflict between federal and state policy on nuclear questions was evident in October 1989 when the Nevada state legislature passed a law to prohibit dumping of nuclear waste in the state , and refused to permit the excavation of Yucca Mountain , a volcanic ridge which Congress in 1987 had ordered to be used as a repository for radioactive waste .
30 UNITA , on the other hand , refused to divorce the question of a ceasefire from consideration of its other four demands — political recognition of UNITA , confirmation of President José dos Santos 's July announcement favouring multiparty politics , the setting of election dates , and the establishment of one national army .
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