Example sentences of "unusual for a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is unusual for a major organisation to change its chief executive four times in less than a decade and the fact that they chose Roche each time — in a highly competitive market — is an impressive record in the headhunting world .
2 Ophiuroids are especially abundant in deep sea environments , and it is unusual for a deep sea dredge to miss one of these small animals .
3 It was unusual for a chief super to have to give evidence of the discovery of a body .
4 It is not unusual for a private company to have rigorous controls governing sale of shares , and this is so in Faber 's case , where the shareholdings break down evenly among employees , T S Eliot 's widow Valerie and the Faber family .
5 The problem of interpretation is compounded in considering MPs occupation and interests ; it was not unusual for a young man from a landed family to be called to the Bar ( but not to practice ) , to serve in the armed forces ( but not to become a professional soldier ) , and then to settle down to a political career with several directorships .
6 Her Yorkshire childhood sounds unremarkable — lacking in affection perhaps , but it was not unusual for a young girl of a certain class and a certain generation to be brought up by a nanny rather than a mummy ; to be sent away when she was ‘ five years old and a day ’ ; to be schooled in a certain stiff-upper-lip mentality ; to show no emotion .
7 This is very unusual for a European wine region ( in most cases , vineyards generally face south to some degree ) and especially for one as northerly in latitude as Champagne .
8 The third goal attempts to focus the data analyst 's attention on data points that are unusual for a substantive reason , not just because of the shape of the distribution .
9 It is unusual for a genuine clinic or hospital to use such paper .
10 She was wearing high-heeled shoes — which is very unusual for a First Spiritualist — and she was smirking at people as if she was at a cocktail party rather than morning service .
11 Up to 100 eggs per spawning act are produced and 500–600 is not unusual for a complete spawning phase .
12 It is unusual for a small town like Middleton to produce two successful bands at the same time , playing similar music , and it is instructive to compare their very differing outlooks and fortunes .
13 There is a large overlap between trade marks and passing-off and it is not unusual for a legal action to involve both passing-off and trade marks .
14 It is not unusual for a new Member to be welcomed , despite the fact that he may not yet have contributed to our proceedings .
15 However , in the 1920s it was still unusual for a married couple to be accepted for training .
16 It was not unusual for a single employer to have to negotiate with five or more of the more than 300 trade unions .
17 For Conservatives this is normally a once-and-for-all choice as it is unusual for a sitting MP to be denied renomination : Labour MPs are now subject to re-selection .
18 Consequently , it is not unusual for a local authority to confer a fire resistance capacity of half an hour on an unprotected cast-iron structure .
19 It was not unusual for a direct appeal to be made in a memorial text to casual passers-by , or for visually impressive and even amusing monuments to command attention from the side of a road .
20 It is not unusual for a corporate business to make political contributions ’ .
21 To give one example of the size of the documentation problem it is not unusual for a large process plant to have two or three hundred volumes of instructions .
22 I think the final product is unusual for a British series the visual humour is every bit as important as the verbal , in a classic cartoon tradition . ’
23 The winger transferred to the left hand side of the field — unusual for a right-footed player , and also got in the way of Boyd as he broke forward in the same area .
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