Example sentences of "to reduce [noun pl] in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The desire to reduce densities in the conurbation had been part of the background to planning since the 1930s and was reemphasized in Northumberland 's current development plans for the North Tyneside area ( corresponding broadly with what is called Northern Tyne side in this book ) .
2 They include new specifications to reduce pollutants in the exhaust gases from ships ' engines and bans on the use of chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs ) in refrigeration and air-conditioning systems and on halons in new fire extinguishing equipment .
3 In a safety initiative designed to reduce accidents in the home , the Kitchen Specialists Association ( KSA ) has launched a new booklet — Greater Safety in the Kitchen — which highlights some of the more common causes of accidents in the home and offers advice on how to avoid mishaps in the first place .
4 The accepted view was that , since the war had occurred through misunderstanding , the task of International Relations was to devise ways to reduce misunderstandings in the future .
5 Apart from the need to reduce delays in the investigation of complaints there is no more important issue than the need to ensure that serious misconduct is met with suitable sanctions , and that the costs of disciplinary proceedings should , so far as is practicable and just , be borne by those who cause us to incur those costs .
6 Individual agents may be willing to submit to mutual monitoring because it is likely to reduce fluctuations in the value of their human capital .
7 It is added to tap water to reduce bacteria in the water .
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