Example sentences of "begun [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Led by a man named William Shorter , the gang had begun as a small group of poachers , their nickname derived from their dark clothing and blacked up faces for nocturnal raids in the forest .
2 Oxfam had begun as a tiny war-time committee organised by a small group of friends , including the then vicar of the parish of St Mary 's …
3 In general we are our own worst enemies when it comes to enlarging and reinforcing our fears , so that what may have begun as a minor apprehension can escalate into a problem of mammoth proportions .
4 Begun as a Romanesque basilica in 1200 , it was completed at the west end in Gothic style about 1350 .
5 It may have begun as a seasonal steading , only later being permanently occupied .
6 What had begun as an amusing jaunt for the militia showed every promise of ending in disaster .
7 A dépot des archives was set up in 1688 ; while the Marquis de Torcy ( Louis 's last Foreign Minister ) had begun about the same time the creation of a rudimentary Press bureau .
8 A hunt has begun for a bogus policeman who followed a driver along the A 413 near Wendover in Buckinghamshire .
9 In the past year , serious peace talks have begun for the first time to end Guatemala 's 30-year old civil war between the army and a number of guerrilla organisations grouped together in the URNG coalition .
10 The agricultural reform , on which a constitutional amendment was tabled on Nov. 7 , put an end to the land distribution programme begun after the 1910-20 revolution , allowed private companies to buy agricultural land and form associations with co-operative farmers ( ejidatarios ) , and permitted the farmers , who currently had only the use of their plots , to own and dispose of them as they wished and , with the approval of their co-operative , to form joint ventures with private investors .
11 This process had already begun with a mass mobilization in a literacy campaign which brought the illiteracy rate down from 50.2 per cent to 12.9 per cent by 1981 ( see page 245 ) .
12 And while she was having a whisky and eating a piece of cake at eleven o'clock , in a hapless impulse to demonstrate and somehow fix her freebooting mood — though she saw the irrationality of it on a day that had begun with a clear insight that at least she would try to equal his thinness even if she could never hope to achieve the frugality of his expectations — just as she was leaving the last part of the cake , she would think of a better way to write the note .
13 The Washington military parade had begun with a wreath-laying ceremony to commemorate 378 US war dead .
14 He reacted by behaving in a way which rammed home to the Scots memories of Edward I. The events of 1543 took on a sinister familiarity ; for Edward 's attempted annexation of Scotland had also begun with a proposed marriage , between the infant Margaret , Maid of Norway , who succeeded Alexander III in 1286 , and Edward 's son , the future Edward II .
15 The Royal Institution had begun with an abortive attempt to train artisans in elementary science ; mechanics ' institutes provided lectures for what seems to have been chiefly a membership from the lower middle class .
16 In a clumsier pair of hands , the novel might have begun with an Elizabethan cartographer , say , or a Caroline poet , and died at birth of irretrievable archness .
17 However , the history of the Channel Tunnel is generally said to have begun with the 1820 proposal of French mining engineer Albert Mathieu-Favier for a road tunnel lit by gas and ventilated through chimneys emerging above sea level .
18 Historically , countrywide health improvements have begun with the public health system .
19 Begun under the Labour government of Mr David Lange and his Finance Minister , Mr ( now Sir ) Roger Douglas , the reforms set about dismantling the generous subsidies to farming , New Zealand 's largest industry .
20 Under his leadership , the French economy had maintained the impressive economic growth begun under the Fourth Republic , and combined it with far greater financial and monetary stability .
21 The existence of Finn 's Hotel helps to make an understanding of Finnegans Wake possible ; for too long those critic 's and scholar 's that have tried to make an assessment of the Wake have begun from the wrong premise .
22 This crisis had come about as a result of the Emperor 's determination to carry through a series of far-reaching reforms which had actually been begun in a tentative fashion some years previously .
23 The key common element is that both systems took seriously the possibility that , whatever students were studying ( for specialization had begun in the nineteenth century ) , higher education offered a general enlargement of the mind .
24 Yes , I think that we could actually kill as it were two birds with one stone here er , the conversion of military industry into civilian industry has begun in the Soviet Union but it was going very slowly and part of the reason for that is , is it 's very expensive , now that seems to me a worthy recipient for Western direct economic aid .
25 As he looked out over the familiar landscape that spring day , the poetic miracles which had begun in the lime-tree bower were coming to an end .
26 Sulph. so Nat Sulph was begun in the 0/1 potency every other day , and followed by Nat .
27 ‘ It was begun in the thirteenth century and there 's a famous inscription above the door . ’
28 The present stone castle was begun in the first quarter of the 13th century by Alan 's son , Walter , Second Steward .
29 Construction of this was begun in the first half of the sixteenth century by the Donatory Captain Simão Gonçalves da Câmara .
30 In principle , an applicant who should have brought his or her case under Ord. 53 , but did not , will lose : there is no provision under which the case can continue as if begun in the correct way .
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