Example sentences of "stared [prep] the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And then ( as he stood and stared through the window at the magazine ) Boy imagined sleeping with these men , actually sleeping , sharing a bed with them for the night .
2 Hari sat up in bed and stared through the window to where the light from the street lamp paled into insignificance against the rising sun .
3 She rose and stared through the window to the hills outside , to the sea running gently into the embracing arms of the bay .
4 His heart thumped as he stood on the Yugoslav border and stared through the night at the nearby fields in Hungary .
5 The silent watcher stared through the darkness at the place where Corbett had settled down to sleep .
6 I felt the heat hit my face as I stared through the opening with narrowed eyes .
7 She stared through the mask at Wyn-rajathuk , old , broken man , fascinatedly watching the process of creation .
8 Yet when I coaxed Mala out of her cabin to have a look , she stared through the view-panel with her normal rosebud mouth compresses into a thin line .
9 Athelstan stared towards the door as a group of pedlars , battered trays slung round their necks , bustled in , raucously shouting for ale .
10 In each place a crowd of men in blue overalls , each with a Gauloise stuck in the corner of his mouth , stared into the mirror behind the bar at the reflection of any women who braved their domain .
11 For a while I stared into the clockface of an antique charity-box .
12 Emmie stared into the darkness with hot eyes .
13 She followed him dreamily , and , once more , stared into the darkness under the tarpaulin .
14 Instead the little girl stared into the beam of sunlight that fell across the kitchen table .
15 She felt unrested , her eyes heavy as she stared into the fire for the truth was that she had slept very little and , when she did drift off , dreams of being in Craig 's arms tormented her .
16 Raynor stared into the fire for a long while .
17 She stared into the camera as if she was talking to it .
18 He quit French football when he was banned for throwing a ball at a referee , an incident allegedly compounded when he stared into the face of each member of the disciplinary committee and called them idiots , one by one .
19 Rex stared into the face of his mirror image .
20 She came to his side and stared along the alley at the two men who were standing unwarily outlined in the light of a held lantern .
21 Andy merely stared in the direction of the anonymous photographer but his eyes were murderous .
22 He stared from the flower to Jekub looking small and old under the humming shadow of the ship .
23 Jonathon stared from the window at a landscape which was not the one Melanie saw .
24 An unusually mad-eyed Gedge stared from the cover of NME dated January 14 , 1989 .
25 Outside again , Anna stared over the sweep of lawns .
26 Her fists mounted on each other , she stared beyond the picnic-patch down the molasses shine of the table .
27 Then she turned her head and stared to the top of her cage , and then flew darkly up to it and took her usual stance staring up , up now towards the moon and distant stars .
28 Bernard dug his hands into the pockets of his dressing-gown and moved to the window where he stared across the lawn at the empty swimming pool .
29 For a moment its two square bay windows , which stared across the road to the rear of the Dragon School , seemed to lighten as if with sunlight , and the carriage clock on the mantelpiece chimed five as if in sympathy .
30 He stared across the table at me , rolling the empty tumbler around on the wooden table-top .
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