Example sentences of "stared [prep] [pers pn] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Her resolution wavering , she stared round her in helpless panic .
2 Two passing merchants stared at them in surprised disapproval .
3 Jessamy stared at him in numb shock .
4 Virginia recalled her prim lectures in St Lucia , and stared at him in stunned disbelief .
5 Jessamy stared at him in utter disbelief .
6 When , immediately afterwards , he jumped up and began to rush round the room in a strange wild dance , we all stared at him in great surprise .
7 I stared at him in great surprise .
8 Harrison stared at him in stony silence .
9 Creggan called out once more after her , powerfully , and Kraal stared at him in silent surprise and just a little awe , while unnoticed by any of them the meek Slorne relaxed a little and seemed to nod her head , as if to whisper to a waiting sky , ‘ Yes … yes … yes . ’
10 Virginia stared at him in sudden curiosity .
11 Virginia stared at him in tortured uncertainty .
12 She stared at him in growing disbelief .
13 Paige stared at him in growing wrath , then turned to Jonas .
14 Guy 's voice was harsh , the taut mask of detachment crumbling as she stared at him in bleak misery .
15 She stared at him in some amazement , and looking rather confused , João backed out and left her with her Imitation .
16 Startled by his sharp tone , Fabia stared at him in some surprise .
17 And while she stared at him in some astonishment , ‘ I would never harm you , ’ he added .
18 Eadred stared at him in mock innocence .
19 ‘ I know , ’ he admitted softly and she stared at him in astonished disbelief .
20 The man stared at her in stunned silence , his chest rising and falling with some kind of agitation .
21 Charlotte stared at her in utter amazement , for she had never seen — nor dreamt of seeing — her sister-in-law in such a condition .
22 Both men stared at her in shocked silence .
23 He stared at her in some perplexity .
24 He hardly flinched , just stared at her in horrified amazement .
25 He stared at me in great surprise .
26 I played it to my mother and she stared at me in total disbelief .
27 He stared at it in frozen incomprehension .
28 He showed us into the buffet , and waitresses brought vodka and red caviare and stared at us in that curious but not impolite way that so many people do in Russia .
29 Matilda followed her , but just inside the doorway of the so-called sitting-room she stopped and stared around her in absolute amazement .
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