Example sentences of "guilty [prep] the [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I even carried out a double-bluff of appearing slightly guilty for the wrong reasons , so that adults told me I should n't blame myself because I had n't been able to warn Paul in time .
2 Even then , you might still finish each day feeling guilty about the many chores which inevitably remain undone .
3 The prisoner pleaded Not Guilty through the preliminary hearings and trial in the King 's Bench Court , where Mr Justice Embury found him guilty and sentenced him to death by hanging .
4 The author of the book Trio ] and Error ( Hamish Hamilton , £10.95 ) which puts the case for those found guilty of the Guildford-related offences is Mr Robert Kee , who might be described as an old-fashioned television-documentary liberal .
5 Kenneth Andrew Sanderson , of Wallace Avenue , Huyton , was sentenced in January 1991 after a Southampton Crown Court jury found him guilty of the two robberies for each of which he received seven years , concurrent ; he got six months concurrent for an admitted burglary .
6 A general reading of the book encourages the suspicion that the principle of verification is being used , not simply to exclude some clear and obvious errors , but to cut out swathes of philosophical tradition that have never been guilty of the crude misconceptions of which they are accused by Ayer .
7 After all , TI 's prospective members are companies and governments that may well be guilty of the very misdeeds the group is pledged to fight — including the bribe-assisted export contracts financed by some rich-country governments .
8 Barry made a four-minute court appearance in Washington on Feb. 28 during which he pleaded not guilty to the eight charges and was ordered to stand trial on June 4 .
9 Blake pleaded guilty to the five charges against him under the Official Secrets Act which referred to him having passed on information since November 1951 .
10 The trial judge ruled that this was production ’ and R changed his plea to guilty to the two counts .
11 Barry was indicted on a further six misdemeanour charges on May 10 , five of which related to drug possession and one to conspiracy ; the mayor pleaded not guilty to the fresh charges on May 15 .
12 In Manchester crown court a confession to two murders was disallowed because of improper denial of access ; another man later pleaded guilty to the same charges .
13 Schoop was , however , found guilty on the same charges because she gave further details to Hans Kopp when he telephoned her later the same day at his wife 's suggestion .
14 … the recent prosecution of three ex-Constables for grave offences of shopbreaking and garage-breaking of which they were found guilty at the last Assizes and sentenced to long-term imprisonment .
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