Example sentences of "distinction between [art] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In Chapter 4 I show that an attempt to prove the possibility of pluralism by proving the existence of irreducibly " external " relations presupposes a distinction between a subjective and an objective order .
2 Dicey does not , apparently , endorse this view since , as a result of his analytical method , he makes a formal distinction between a political and legal concept of sovereignty .
3 The distinction between a restricted and an elaborated code is based on language studies carried out by middle-class investigators who entered the social world of ‘ working-class ’ children from the outside and without credentials valid in that world .
4 A primacy effect was also found for recall , both when recall was immediate and delayed indicating a distinction between a short-term and long-term memory store .
5 Oakeshott 's attack on rationalism , which incidentally included an attack on the doctrinal nature of Hayek 's The Road to Serfdom , is transformed by Hayek — who utilizes Popper 's distinction between a naive and a critical rationalism — into an attack on constructivist rationalism .
6 Our distinction between the private and the public is a relatively modern invention .
7 A second general erm point that I want to draw attention to erm it goes back again to erm Filmer Filmer you 'll recall had ruled out any meaningful distinction between the private and the public erm the domestic and the political .
8 But it must also draw the distinction between the deviant and the normal , for otherwise the very reason why the ‘ institution ’ exists and why deviant cases take the special form they do remains inexplicable .
9 The feature of Althusser 's view that repels his liberal critics is his neglect of what they take to be a central distinction between the essential and contingent properties of individuals .
10 In 1903 the Director General of the Army Medical Services and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons responded to these revelations by medically verifying the distinction between the healthy and respectable working-class and the diseased residuum .
11 Paragraph 94 expresses dismay that the funding of nursing home care should be private , and that health authority managers should draw a distinction between the elderly and others who need care .
12 The natives in the area assert that social worth is not to be defined in terms of such universalistic notions as class , but rather in terms of length of residence i.e. they make ‘ rank ’ a distinction between the established and the outsiders ( see especially Newby , 1977 , 1979 ; Newby , Bell , Rose and Saunders 1978 ; Pahl 1965 ) .
13 The distinction between the metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas lay in the distribution of services between the counties and their districts .
14 This two-pronged analysis of voluntary acts , composed of the disembodied , unsituated self and the distinction between the ordinary and aberrational market explains the range of excuses acknowledged by the classical law of contract .
15 Consider Hart 's account of what it is for a social rule to exist and his distinction between the internal and the external points of view .
16 Guerrillas , then , is shaped in order to accommodate its three zones , and in accordance with a distinction between the political and the phantasmagorical , though there are moments when phantasmagoria , futility , threatens to envelop the island — Grange , Ridge , gangs , government , politics and all .
17 " The trouble with you , " said Clelia , " is that you do n't appreciate the distinction between the decorative and the creative arts .
18 One such example is the distinction between the strong and weak forms of the past tense in English : there is absolutely no difference in the grammatical meaning of " past " between two forms such as spoke and talked .
19 It is a place where there is no real distinction between the civil and the military .
20 The term différance could be seen as a conflation of Jakobson 's distinction between the paradigmatic and the syntagmatic , but in Derrida 's argument these are inseparable and the conflation is given great importance and power .
21 The compromise brought a clearer distinction between the spiritual and temporal aspects of ecclesiastical office than ever before : it abolished lay intervention in conferring the symbols of ecclesiastical office , while conceding that the temporalities remained within the secular domain .
22 The distinction between the wholesale and retail sides of a business was discussed in Rogers v Maddocks [ 1892 ] 3 Ch 346 .
23 Hamelink makes what appears to be the useful distinction between the information-independent and the information-dependent countries .
24 If this points to the importance of the implicit dimension , then there are reasons for not emphasizing an absolute and rigid distinction between the implicit and the explicit .
25 The market egalitarianism argument fails to draw a distinction between the legitimate and illegitimate use of non public price sensitive information .
26 In his review of the historical data now available on household composition in the past , Anderson ( 1980 ) emphasizes in particular the distinction between the rural and urban economies .
27 At the time of the 1944 Act , the distinction between the practical and the theoretical was clearly enough recognized .
28 I have expanded on the teaching of English as exemplifying in a particularly clear way the distinction between the practical and the theoretical .
29 We have seen the Chicago School making the important distinction between the biotic and cultural levels of human behaviour , and we have seen them attempting to combine these understandings of individual and social behaviour in the study of the ‘ natural area ’ .
30 The clinical distinction between the biotic and cultural levels is difficult to sustain and urgent attention ( of the kind being developed by Harré et al. ) needs to be given to the merging of these two lines of thought .
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