Example sentences of "to hold a [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The Government intends to hold a competition for the ‘ fastlink ’ road if investors are found .
2 For Americans she had scant respect and considered them to be nouveau riche upstarts , not good enough to hold a candle to the real thing .
3 What he thought he needed was someone with the public fame to take over the leadership and to hold a candle to the great names of Lloyd George , Austen Chamberlain , Churchill , Birkenhead and Balfour .
4 The LA has the power to revoke , suspend , curtail or prematurely terminate a licence if the holder has ( a ) broken any conditions attaching to his licence , or ( b ) been convicted of any offences which are of the type relevant to determination of the applicant 's fitness to hold a licence in the first place , or ( c ) been made bankrupt or gone into liquidation .
5 If the pot-au-feu is for a special occasion you include as well a boiling chicken , but since so many kitchens are n't equipped with a soup pot large enough to hold a chicken at the same time as all the meat , this may have to be cooked separately .
6 Should this prove to be impossible , he had three aims : to complete in due order the steps necessary for becoming archbishop , to maintain undiminished the possessions and privileges of his church , and to hold a Council for the correction of discipline in the Church .
7 Leaving aside for the moment a final conflict over the estates of Canterbury , we may turn to Anselm 's efforts to hold a council for the reform of morals and discipline throughout the land .
8 Now the time had come for Mrs Wright to be churched and the baby christened ; every member of the garrison who was not occupied at the ramparts had assembled in the rubble-strewn yard of the Residency to hear the service , for it was no longer safe to hold a service in the ruined Church .
9 Only able to take part in a limited range of activities at home and particularly seriously , she is only able to hold a conversation by the laborious method of tapping out her comments on ticker tape through using her cannon communicator .
10 THE Government was put under fresh pressure yesterday to hold a referendum on the Maastricht Treaty .
11 The third summit , at Brdo kod Kranja in Slovenia on April 11 , produced an agreement to hold a referendum on the future structure of the country .
12 The plan was devised following the vote of the Philippine Senate in September to reject a renewal of the US lease , and Aquino 's threat , soon retracted , to hold a referendum on the issue [ see pp. 38441-38442 ] .
13 During his visit Yeltsin confirmed that he was intending to hold a referendum on the main clauses of the new Constitution and on the issue of private ownership , which the Congress of People 's Deputies ( the supreme legislature ) was blocking [ see also pp. 38875-76 ] .
14 The government of Quebec had refused to participate in further negotiations following the collapse of the Meech Lake Accord in 1990 [ see pp. 37519-20 ] , but was planning to hold a referendum on the issue of secession in October 1992 unless a satisfactory package of constitutional reforms had been agreed [ see pp. 38281-82 ] .
15 Although over the preceding 12 months a combination of a deep economic recession , conciliatory gestures from many of the English-speaking provinces , and the skilful diplomacy of Bourassa , had served to cool some of the enthusiasm for independence , the province was due to hold a referendum on the sovereignty issue on Oct. 26 , and Mulroney had made it clear that he was keen to have reached some form of inter-provincial agreement prior to the vote .
16 Sufficient signatures had been collected to hold a referendum in the Crimea on independence from Ukraine .
17 He had feared that children 's lives were being put at risk and called on the Chester Health Authority to hold a study into the local need .
18 But , erm all that time I was running the young wives ' and we used to hold a stall in the garden , at the garden party at the church , and w when you took your takings in , you know th the treasurer would say you know , who are you , you know and I used to say young wives ' and then one day I said well , you know we 're no longer young wives , you know we were getting old and I decided there and then I 'd had enough of young wives ' , you know and er , er because I , I said , I , I was secretary and I 'll close it down it , it erm the young wives ' closed down and er er it , it had actually closed down and this lady was marvellous this secretary of the Guild , who would kno known mother and she was a councillor , she come dashing down , you know you , you , th the young wives ' has closed and you know you 've got excuse .
19 It was agreed to hold a vote on the bus this Sunday , as there were people who would normally be attending and also .
20 Members from both sections have expressed a desire to hold a disco in the Village Hall .
21 Members from both sections have expressed a desire to hold a disco in the Village Hall .
22 If a section 38 agreement is not available , in due course the house purchaser 's solicitors are likely to hold a retention from the sale proceeds , pending adoption of the roads by the local authority .
23 However , while the Architecture-Neutral Format is unlikely to appear on the market this year , Goldstein says that the Foundation plans to hold a conference on the technology at the end of the year , to find out which companies are interested in bringing the stuff to market and how it can be best introduced to an industry audience already blinded by science .
24 MacDonald declared that he would at once see the King and advise him to hold a conference on the following morning attended by Baldwin , Samuel and himself .
25 Before long , the Earl was totally committed to the project and had agreed to hold a Tournament in the style of the middle ages , ending with a medieval banquet .
26 It is planned to hold a workshop under the auspices of CCOP during the coming year .
27 Mr Whitelaw would pass on to Mrs Thatcher the proposals for phrases and the presentational priorities , suggesting to her that she might wish to hold a meeting on the subject .
28 WREXHAM and District Association for the Arts is to hold a meeting at the town 's library on June 24 to discuss the impact the restructuring of local government will have on arts , culture and recreation locally .
29 Once it had dispersed , Bunting was allowed to hold a meeting in the Diamond and for a short time afterwards there was tension as rival groups of teenagers faced each other , but police and DCAC stewards persuaded them to disperse before any trouble broke out .
30 The Veterinary Medical Association so formed , familiarly known since then as the VMA , received permission to hold a meeting in the College theatre on 22 November 1836 .
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