Example sentences of "call in [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When the train had gone , she said , ‘ We 'll just call in at the grocer 's , dear . ’
2 He could call in at the Informer office in Chancery Lane and use the telephone to arrange a suitably stimulating lunch .
3 Today he would have liked to remain at Hillmarden for another night , but he had promised Celia he would call in at the clinic on his way back to London , knowing he had a very busy week coming which might make it impossible to see her again until the following weekend .
4 You can come back with us now or you can call in at the Incident Room on the Wharf later today if you prefer . ’
5 On the way , I 'll call in at the Wheel Room , to feed my poor invalid , then …
6 Cos I can call in at the bank and get it
7 ‘ He said he 'd call in on the way home . ’
8 ‘ Perhaps they 'll call in on the way home , ’ she said wistfully .
9 Lewis will have a firsthand close-up of Holyfield-Bowe as co-commentator on the live Sky transmission and , on the way to Las Vegas , will call in on the World Boxing Council convention in Cancun , Mexico .
10 " I 'm afraid I 'm in something of a hurry but I was just passing and thought I would call in on the off-chance .
11 The solicitor 's letter added that if Miss Honey would kindly call in to the office as soon as possible , then the property and the money could be transferred into her name very rapidly .
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