Example sentences of "move from [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Page references were necessary for this so that pupils could quickly move from purpose to information .
2 A monkey is a monkey and will move from tree to tree .
3 Although the feet do not stretch and point in the way we still care about in the West , the dancers do not just move from position to position ; they dance in a long poem of fluently musical movement that is classical ballet 's chief claim to fame .
4 The microscope could even move from reading to writing .
5 If we spot the fish we can cast directly to them with strong tackle and a big bait , or we can move from swim to swim until we find where a big barbel or two are feeding .
6 In the past , this did not mean that we would not move from company to company , it most certainly did not mean that we ha that we thought we had a job for life , but it did mean that we expected a degree of permanence and improvement as part of the reward for our endeavours and labour .
7 The cud is thoroughly masticated — the jaw can move from side to side as well as up and down — before it is finally passed into the digestive system where the job of extracting everything of nutritive value will be carried out .
8 The SAAF will name which turboprop trainer it has chosen to replace the Harvard with the CFS ( which itself will move from Dunnottar to Langebaanweg in 1993 ) , ideally from 1995 .
9 Now , by way of change , let us move from drama to humour .
10 Fronted by a HyperCard-like interface — SuperCard , actually — the system lets users click and move from point to point on the painting and get lectures and comments from old bores , ex-mistresses , ‘ people who were there ’ , dopey ex-Nazi pilots , Picasso mavens and all sorts of experts .
11 The different ages of her life seemed to exist simultaneously , as if she could move from age to age according to how she felt .
12 No those 15 trucks and trailers will move from Assab to Desai and they should arrive in Dessi this morning , and then in Desai they 'll have to be transferred to er a certain amount of food to smaller trucks , and we think that the first group of trucks will be just perhaps 5 trucks that will really test the road from Desai up to Waldia in the area controlled by the rebels to see if there really is a safe passage agreement and to see if er there are bridges out on that road or whether there are land mines left on the road , to see if it is actually possible to move food across those lines .
13 The Padre was very weak now , and could only move from place to place if someone helped him .
14 These materials are soluble in water , and hence can move from place to place by diffusion .
15 Thus , there is some degree of selfdetermination in the ship case because we are free to shut our eyes , to cross the river and see it move from right to left , free to jump into the water and watch it coming towards us , free to determine the speed with which it passes across our visual field by moving our eyes with or against its movement .
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