Example sentences of "to deal [prep] [adj] [noun] as " in BNC.

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1 The town 's fire services were never adequate to deal with major conflagrations as classical sources well remind us .
2 He also suggested seeking technical and military assistance from abroad to deal with such problems as drug trafficking .
3 Is it really appropriate for policy to deal with such matters as classroom display , layout , grouping and teaching methods , to take four by now familiar examples ?
4 Thus separate administrative departments might be established to deal with such matters as : ( 1 ) personnel ; ( 2 ) accountancy and finance ; ( 3 ) communications ; ( 4 ) property and maintenance ; ( 5 ) library ; ( 6 ) costs ( ie fee collection ) ; ( 7 ) administration ( office equipment , stationery supplies etc ) ; ( 8 ) public relations ( advertising , client care etc ) ; ( 9 ) professional standards ( and compliance generally , unless the volume of corporate and financial services work justifies a separate department for this ) ; ( 10 ) complaints .
5 The goodwill and excellent relations that Jimmy and Gwenda Cornell have built up with the authorities in Gran Canaria seem to be in the process of being matched in St Lucia : more and better facilities were planned for Rodney Bay Marina , parties were organised and funded , and a special ARC committee to deal with such things as restoring extinguished navigation lights and easing participants through customs formalities was set up and presided over by the Prime Minister of St Lucia .
6 Committees should be created to deal with such issues as housing and co-operatives , which would work with other radical groups and with individual members of the Irish Labour Party and trade-unionists .
7 Further , accuracy is better because the method does not consider portions of the utterances with low credibility until they become possible extensions of the current best interpretation , whereas a left-to-right strategy is forced to deal with unpromising portions as they occur in the utterance .
8 Sufficient knowledge and experience exists within Admin to keep normal operations going on the Altos , and to deal with operational problems as they might arise .
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