Example sentences of "to deal [prep] [adj] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 My hon. Friend has illustrated powerfully the double standards employed by the Government to deal with ordinary people and those in the City .
2 In 1944 , at the Bretton Woods conference , plans were laid for a new commercial and financial system with the formation of an International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) to deal with monetary problems and a World Bank to help with economic development .
3 Because of this close association between stacks and subroutine linkage , some computers provide hardware stacks to deal with subroutine calls and returns .
4 It was only late in the 1890s , under pressure from the NVA that New Scotland Yard established a special department to deal with indecent books and pictures .
5 To be sure , I have had to deal with various phenomena and minister to those who have experienced them , and there have certainly been some chilling moments , but in general a ghost would have to flay me alive with its chains before I raised an eyebrow at the possibility of its presence .
6 For some time the Company has recognised the need for a policy to increase awareness , to deal with environmental issues and to implement systems which ensure the Company complies with all relevant legislation and manages the essential attitudinal and behavioural changes that are likely to affect its business operations .
7 In his introduction to the environmental policy document which will be issued to employees in 1993 , Chief Executive Kneale Ashwell explains : ‘ For some time we have recognised the need for a policy to increase awareness , to deal with environmental issues and to implement systems which ensure the Company complies with all relevant legislation and manages the essential attitudinal and behavioural changes that are likely to affect business operations .
8 It would be possible for officers ' secretaries to deal with external calls and most people do dial out direct anyway .
9 Registered general nurses and male and female doctors are available in the Health Centre to deal with general illnesses and accidents and to advise students and staff .
10 It is necessary to take steps to deal with legitimate grievances and to consider how a plebescite might be organised , how more aid might be given , and how refugees might be resettled .
11 What happens if we 've got an emergency situation and how come when you got about three or four different authorities to deal with that matter and the other thing that has been said people said it to me , the question of building and in some parts of West Sussex we 've got concrete jungles and that itself can cause flooding because water does n't drain would do through natural resources through its natural well drain away .
12 The following chapter considers the various policies which have been proposed to deal with regional imbalances and is then followed by a study of inner cities .
13 To deal with such difficulties and unnecessary travel of pieces of paper the Bank of England announced in November 1988 that it would set up a Central Money Markets Office ( CMO ) to develop a book entry transfer system to enable money market instrument paper to be ‘ immobilised ’ and eventually be ‘ dematerialised ’ .
14 By the 1680s there were over fifty chancelleries ( prikazi ) set up to deal with new tasks and newly incorporated areas .
15 It is often argued that survey data give a very limited analysis of managerial policies which are developed over a period to deal with specific problems and this study should help to test such methodological criticisms .
16 Fraser managed to deal with one aircraft and some trucks at Barce , Slonta was too heavily defended and Alston never managed to find Berka Main .
17 It is far easier from their point of view if they only need to deal with one entity and they will probably prefer that to be the purchaser as it is the purchaser that has taken over the business .
18 I myself take the view that the criminal justice process generally is the appropriate way to deal with criminal offending and I 'm not too happy with the idea that people who commit criminal offences should be dealt with outside the courts .
19 Some resource will also be needed to deal with technical problems and enquiries from sales and commercial departments .
20 Her solutions to the most common pest and disease problems are ICI Benlate for mildew , grease bands for the leaf-eating loopers ( winter moth caterpillars ) , tar oil winter wash to deal with woolly aphids and pbi Malathion Greenfly Killer for other aphids .
21 But first you 'll have to deal with this man and woman to satisfy yourself one way or the other about them .
22 ‘ So , now I have to deal with this man and woman . ’
23 At the 1987 annual ACPO conference , chief officers complained they were still having to deal with this illness and asked why do people still need to die in cells from inhalation of vomit ?
24 ‘ We 've got , I think , a way here to deal with this problem and improve the quality of life for people in the town . ’
25 ‘ I have correspondence to deal with this afternoon and must return to my work . ’
26 The Outer Kingdoms are more worldly as one would expect from nations that have to deal with marauding Norse and Dark Elf raiders .
27 Gava had been criticized over his failure to deal with organized crime and had been accused by the Communist Party ( PCI ) of links with the Camorra , the Neapolitan branch of the Mafia .
28 He also announced the formation of a peace security force to deal with communal riots and terrorism in the future .
29 It advised a future Conservative cabinet to : ( i ) build up stocks of coal at power stations ; ( ii ) plan contingency coal imports ; ( iii ) introduce dual oil and coal-fired burning in power stations ; ( iv ) cut the social security entitlements of strikers ; and finally , ( v ) set up mobile police squads to deal with flying pickets and obtain sufficient numbers of ‘ reliable ’ non-union drivers to cross picket lines .
30 The most popular television crime series , such as The Sweeney , Minder , The Professionals , Juliet Bravo , Hill Street Blues , tend not to deal with corporate crime and the business criminal .
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