Example sentences of "continue [to-vb] [pron] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This supposition is mistaken , according to the argument of this book ; the imperative to become equally aware from different spatial , temporal and personal viewpoints is independent of moral traditions and habits , and we need not doubt that under any conditions spontaneity will continue to channel itself in selfish or unselfish directions with inequality or equality of awareness .
2 And , of course , we hope that piloting centres will continue to provide us with vital feedback .
3 We hope that you will continue to provide us with this vital information as we embark together on the second piloting year .
4 The odds are that a relationship that engenders such trust in infancy will continue to engender it in later childhood too , and who is to say at the end of it all that one period was more crucial than another in bringing about the final result ?
5 We will continue to help them by simplifying rules and regulations on business and through the DTI Enterprise Initiative and a range of other schemes .
6 In this respect Nigeria may be the key reference point , because its enormous population of more than 100 million will continue to force it into constitutional experiments , because its press has seldom been effectively muzzled , and because its leaders have never acquired the absolute power of many neighbouring heads of state .
7 This country has a static but ageing population and will continue to have one for some considerable time ahead even if the birthrate kicks upward again .
8 Others , such as the Jewish religious laws , may continue to propagate themselves for thousands of years , usually because of the great potential permanence of written records .
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