Example sentences of "tend [to-vb] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Thus scientists in many fields tend to emphasise the practical pay-off of their research .
2 High average wind speeds tend to stunt the upward growth of plants and encourage the lateral growth of dwarf forms , e.g. of Calluna vulgaris or Juniperus communis , though prostrate forms of the former are not encountered as frequently as expected on exposed mountain plateaux .
3 Within lesson structures of this kind , teachers do not , in fact , orientate themselves so much to the needs of individual students , but tend to treat the whole class as a kind of ‘ collective student ’ .
4 There will , however , always be those who tend to see the negative side and may well suggest you ‘ do n't lose weight too quickly or you 'll look old ’ or ‘ you 'll only put it back on twice as fast if you lose it quickly ’ .
5 Those who tend to see the eighteenth century as above all " the Age of Wesley " usually bring a good deal of retrospectivity to their view of the rise of Methodism over a period at the end of which Methodists were still not especially numerous in the nation as a whole .
6 In proportion as its acts tend to promote the same end , its conduct may be termed organised and its several actions correlated .
7 While Mexico exports food , but not processed foods , foreign food processors are net importers , and where TNCs use local raw materials the contracting arrangements tend to drive the poorer peasants off the land .
8 Small shopkeepers tend to support the Liberal Democrats , but Mr Kaifu wants to please a more important supporter , Mr Bush .
9 Such results as are available tend to support the associative view .
10 Politicians tend to support the traditional approach to budgeting .
11 Professor Nils Shakkabaek of Copenhagen University , who co-ordinated the study , says that a corresponding increase in genito-urinary abnormalities and incidents of testicular cancer tend to support the environmental conclusion .
12 Legal principles tend to reflect the basic values that the legal system is committed to uphold .
13 International comparisons are of relatively little value because they tend to highlight the different priorities and practices of different countries .
14 For example , edges tend to activate the visual system more than areas of uniform brightness .
15 What is undoubtedly clear is that during these years Henry 's power was still steadily advancing , though most modern writers tend to create the false impression of a king entirely preoccupied with the awkward domestic problem of the quarrel with Thomas Becket .
16 CURRENT fashion trends in glasses tend to favour the continental look with neater eye sizes , particularly in metal and metal/plastic frames to the fore .
17 If one has to take a view of the balance between the reinforce-and-stick-with-it , or the cut-your-loss schools , I think I tend to favour the cut-your-loss brigade .
18 We make relatively little use of the simpler DTP systems because they tend to obscure the logical/physical distinction and encourage students to invent design elements on a case-by-case basis as they create a document , leading to incoherent and inflexible document structures .
19 Not only are we all primed to look for regularities , we tend to perceive the same regularities .
20 They tend to assert the overwhelming desire for cognitive order , and thus offer an unrealistically cohesive model of cognition itself which ignores the problems of ideology and framing .
21 They tend to identify the common good with the interests , real or imagined , of their supporters .
22 The bottom dwellers mentioned so far tend to prefer the shallower waters of the continental shelf .
23 In practice professional valuers tend to prefer the comparative method and builders the residual method , but for valuations for annual financial or management accounts it would perhaps be prudent to take an average of the result obtained using both methods .
24 Cash crops are always ‘ extractive ’ and tend to lower the overall fertility of the farm .
25 Speeches like Bob Giles ' are all very well but they tend to obliterate the cool thinking so necessary by those who hold positions of trust .
26 When you know a program you tend to press the correct keys to give commands cleanly and neatly .
27 In connection with this it should also be remembered that all popular places , all sites actually used by the people , tend to retain the best routine of antiquity very much more than any localities or machines used by any privileged class .
28 Computers for commercial data.processing , where the assumption may be invalid and where an accumulator would have to be very long to deal with character string data formats , tend to use the two-address format and not provide an accumulator .
29 I like them all , but tend to use the Italian oils most .
30 There are so many on the market that many horse owners tend to use the cheapest supplement they can find , but this may not be the best .
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