Example sentences of "tend [to-vb] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ( If you 're standing , you tend to fall towards the front rather than the back of the train now . )
2 They give better support at the edges than a sprung base so they 're a practical choice if you tend to sit on the bed .
3 Those who are brave enough to hope for one of the few lectureships around tend to go for the astronomy or nuclear physics .
4 Sometimes it is awkward because with all the excitement you tend to go to the lavatory a number of times before the race , which leads to difficulty later on .
5 I use it normally on a clean setting , but if I want distortion I tend to go through a BOSS Turbo Overdrive pedal and then into the Rock Box .
6 If the kick is too hard the crampons tend to rebound from the ice , and a hard kick can be painful on the toes .
7 Lectures about this type of library material tend to sound like a catalogue of unfamiliar names — the ‘ catalogue aria ’ .
8 ‘ Most people tend to gather at the track and do the group session , without even stopping to think what the training effect is doing to their body , or how they are going to progress next week , or the week after . ’
9 ‘ Gottle a geer ’ Gazza would undoubtedly be a tremendous asset to the team , but after Silvers recent professions of poverty , I tend to agree with the Guardian that this is a ‘ We are still a big club ’ smokescreen .
10 Denis Healey is another politician I admire , and I tend to agree with the view that he is the best leader the Labour Party never had .
11 We tend to work from the Centre in the friendly critic role .
12 Having become established , people tend to work within the tradition for reasons which are never properly articulated .
13 Initially , the chemical potential µ 1 , of the solvent in the solution , is lower than that of the pure solvent , µ 1 ° and solvent molecules tend to pass through the membrane into the solution in order to attain equilibrium .
14 In Britain ( with all too few honourable exceptions ) we tend to accept as the norm , prefab huts equipped with smelly loos , worn carpets or line , tatty curtains and torn seat cushions .
15 Ideas , materials and methodology used all tend to come into the country from outside .
16 All timbers tend to come to an equilibrium with the relative humidity of the surrounding air .
17 ‘ Midlife is a time when suppressed emotions tend to come to the surface .
18 My examples tend to come from the part of the world where I live , but the same principles apply wherever you happen to be .
19 The majority of funds tend to come from the banking sector , although commercial bills are also important .
20 Kenotic christology of this sort did have its own internal problems : on closer examination it is not easy to understand what exactly it can mean to speak of this ‘ self-emptying ’ , and attempts to make the matter more precise tend to fade into a tangle of artificialities and contradictions .
21 However , animal experiments have shown that , if tobacco extracts are painted on rabbits ' ears , cancerous growths tend to appear on the skin of the ear .
22 The reason for the fall in later years is that costs tend to increase as the product ages — apart from production costs there may be increased costs in selling against more up-to-date competition and sales tend to decrease .
23 The reason for the fall in later years is that costs tend to increase as the product ages — apart from production costs there may be increased costs in selling against more up-to-date competition — ; and sales tend to decrease .
24 In general , the rules leading to higher rates of survival and reproduction tend to increase in the population .
25 ‘ They live , or they 're supposed to live , in the paddock between the Rectory and the House , but the fencing needs seeing to , so they tend to wander round the Rectory when they want .
26 Local authority loans for house purchase are more likely to be made to manual groups and they tend to concentrate on the purchase of older dwellings .
27 As is the case with most areas of text-linguistics , linguists tend to concentrate on the analysis of signalling devices in English and extrapolate from that to other languages .
28 Their problem is their flower buds tend to swell in the winter and can be damaged by frost or winds .
29 They tend to communicate in a form of shorthand based on this common database and can to some extent predict each other 's reactions to normal situations .
30 The routes to satisfaction are patterned by internal or dispositional constraints so that the behaviours concerned tend to lead to an end that is characteristic of a species .
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