Example sentences of "tend [to-vb] [adj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He is rarely mentioned in the press references to TI tend to go hand-in-hand with the name of its chairman and chief executive , the recently knighted Sir Christopher Lewinton .
2 Whole oats need to be fed in a larger quantity , as a proportion of them tend to pass undigested through the horse ; and crushed oats are usually smashed into oblivion , and reduced to a poor quality feed of husks and dust .
3 As they do so we tend to know fewer of the people we see in them .
4 One national paper reports its readers seven to one against closer ties with Europe ( such polls tend to attract more of the antis ) and a respected columnist bemoans the fact that cooked meats and pies are no longer sold at his favourite deli stall on Leeds market , apparently because of the dead hand of Europeanisation .
5 What chloroplast cells there are tend to concentrate near to the veins , so that the little carbohydrate that is elaborated is quickly moved into the nearby veins and carried to where it is needed , thus we get a characteristic green outline to the veins in an otherwise pale green , even yellowish , leaf .
6 Psychologists have observed that in a group composed of men and women , the men usually set the agenda , choose topics for discussion , and tend to answer most of the questions posed during the group discussions .
7 The one that I tend to use most of the time is this one not least , because it only three pounds , and it 's quite affordable but a , again , it 's got a loud sound to it , and I found that if you carry one of these with you and somebody does approach you , you 've always got this in your pocket and you can actually aim it them , cos they do n't know what you 've got in your hand .
8 More frequently used to explain the source of the preferences of participants in decision-making are implicit references to adult socialisation in the broad sense : that members of organisations tend to adopt many of the values that dominate within that organisation .
9 Variegated plants will start to make more chlorophyll in their leaves in response to restricted sunlight , and so tend to turn green in the shade .
10 In Chapters 1 and 2 we argue , however , that while the sociologies of the Chicago School , Goffman and Harré are all highly suggestive , they also tend to overlook some of the deeper social structures and processes in which individuals and small groups of people are necessarily caught up .
11 They also tend to have more of the male sex hormone testosterone in their blood : a hen can even be made to ascend its dominance hierarchy by injecting some of this hormone into her blood .
12 As both these jobs are difficult and time-consuming they tend to get neglected until the final part of the development , which is a great pity .
13 Indeed , I have found that students and businessmen who are using this technique for the first time tend to get confused between the two axes .
14 Practice can doubtless yield ‘ theories ’ of a limited or weaker kind , but once such theories are seen to apply more generally or with more force , they tend to become dignified with the name of ‘ model ’ , ‘ theory ’ or even ‘ paradigm ’ .
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