Example sentences of "leading up [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Safe in the central eye of the storm , they had ten or fifteen minutes in which to reach the comparative safety of the track leading up through the rain forest to the President 's cabin .
2 The line of boys and masters — Hasan and Rafiq bringing up the rear — made its way through pools of water and patches of sodden black earth , across the cinder track leading up towards the Windmill , and to the chestnut-trees , now almost empty of leaves , that shadow the edge of parkside .
3 Eubank has formulated a master-plan leading up to the fight of his dreams — a £1 million title unification fight next September with arch-enemy Benn .
4 Have , in contrast , eliminates any reference to a tension leading up to the realization of the infinitive and represents the latter as being " already in the bag " .
5 This latter use raises the question however of describing what is implied as leading up to the realization of the infinitive event , that is , of justifying why the speaker should want to represent the infinitive incident to a support conceived as occupying a before-position with respect to the infinitive 's event .
6 Set on a hilltop , the old town is surrounded by seven rows of ramparts leading up to the bastion and cathedral at the summit .
7 The success of Heseltine 's switch of focus was illustrated by a succession of opinion polls in the days leading up to the leadership ballot , all indicating that there would be a huge swing to the Conservative Party were he to become leader .
8 Foreign news organizations based in Baghdad had been allowed to report freely in the weeks leading up to the conflict , but after the outbreak of hostilities restrictions were introduced on reporting by foreign journalists .
9 In mitigation Michael Rayner said his client had been deeply depressed in the days leading up to the incident .
10 The measure of 1932 , which marked profoundly the discussions leading up to the Act of 1944 , was bitterly resisted ( especially in Wales ) and led the president of the Board of Education to argue in the Commons that secondary education should be reserved for ‘ selected children , the gifted and the intellectual ’ from whom ‘ we expect leaders of industry and commerce in the coming generation ’ .
11 Thus , the judge should focus the attention of the jury upon ‘ the state of mind of the victim immediately before the act of sexual intercourse , having regard to all the relevant circumstances , and in particular the events leading up to the act , and her reaction to them showing their impact on her mind . ’
12 ‘ No … ’ she whispered tremulously as he marched across the sand towards the dark lawns leading up to the cottage .
13 I think it right to bear in mind the evidence of Mr a solicitor now specializing in re-habilitation work who is himself alas wheelchair bound , erm , he has directly relevant experience and he expressed the view that er two ramps leading up to the vehicle from the rear could be unsafe and were in his view generally less satisfactory than the platform with which the conversion equips the Nissan Serena , in those circumstances it seems to me I really have no choice but to er adopt the alternative of the conversion and er there is an agreed figure of thirty nine thousand , eight hundred and sixty six pounds in relation to that .
14 Terms of reference can also describe the documents leading up to the expert 's investigation of the issue .
15 WONDERFUL WOBURN produced a number of surprises this year at the annual gathering of the de Havilland Moth Club in the picturesque grounds of Woburn Abbey over the weekend of August 15/16 although strong winds and generally poor weather in the few days leading up to the event meant that the number of foreign Moths arriving was down on previous years .
16 The way the time leading up to the event is used , and the success of the coping behaviours employed , may considerably affect its impact ( Parkes , 1982a ) .
17 When the system was tested in the three days leading up to the event , it responded properly each time .
18 When the system was tested during the three days leading up to the event , it responded properly on each occasion .
19 The case of the seven bishops was an important turning point in the development of events leading up to the Revolution , marking the defeat of James 's attempts to win Nonconformist support for his policies of toleration .
20 The revival of the Hindu-Moslem dispute , which had played an important part in the November election campaign [ see pp. 36977 ; 37030 ] , had threatened to provoke further communal tensions in the period leading up to the Bihar state assembly elections at the end of February [ see p. 37245 ] .
21 That is , the paths leading up to the decision point must be differentiated by score .
22 That is , any information after the decision point must be irrelevant to the question which is the best path leading up to the decision point .
23 Our self-appointed mentor , the Old Stager , tackled him in the same vein , although with a shade more directness : ‘ Why do n't yer niver get no runs ? ’ he asked , by way of leading up to the subject .
24 It is convenient to reproduce the summary of the English legal position concerning the taking of evidence by consuls and similar officers , a summary prepared as part of the preliminary work leading up to the Convention :
25 So , while there is no need to spoil the fun by trying to make an over-blown production out of your Christmas video , why not give a little time and thought to ways of showing the excitement leading up to the day itself .
26 They were armed with thousands and thousands of signatures they had collected from their parishes and their local communities in the weeks leading up to the lobby .
27 However , statements from Ministers and interpretations in the press in the months leading up to the publication of Working for patients appear to describe a rather different concept of the ‘ internal market ’ — a patient-led system .
28 When not teaching the social sciences , Williams was filling his time by researching West Indian history , for this was the period leading up to the publication of ‘ Capitalism and Slavery ’ .
29 This is taking the form of a structured public consultation leading up to the publication of a new strategy in September 1992 .
30 Many people still remember — perhaps less painfully in hindsight — the hectic days leading up to the publication of the first list of modules .
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