Example sentences of "supposed [prep] be [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Do you really enjoy the company of the person who is supposed to be accompanying you , or do you merely tolerate him or her because you feel you have no other choice ?
2 Mike , you 're supposed to be helping ours .
3 I 'm supposed to be helping her to bake bread .
4 ‘ As I 'm supposed to be helping you with Ana , ’ she said quietly , ‘ I should perhaps tell you that in my opinion Mitch is falling in love with her . ’
5 Your supposed to be getting me .
6 Well I 'm not supposed to be telling you it anyway ! .
7 Am I supposed to be showering you with gifts right now , pretty things , baubles you can — ? ’
8 Well , he is n't supposed to be using it .
9 Paul had asked me to do a swap to do his early next Wednesday so yeah , put the form in and everything the form came back today saying he 's already on a late and the day that he 's supposed to be repaying me he 's already on shift
10 Yeah but are you supposed to be wearing it around the school ?
11 ‘ Yes , ’ she replies eagerly , ‘ someone from the British Committee is supposed to be meeting me . ’
12 You 're supposed to be meeting her in Paris tomorrow , are n't you ? ’
13 Someone from the Banco D'Oro was supposed to be meeting her , and this remote blond god certainly did n't look like a bank official — though he might have been Signor Corosini .
14 By the time Ellie did finally remember she was supposed to be meeting someone in Dublin , the afternoon was well advanced .
15 ‘ I 'm supposed to be meeting your family incognito , ’ she complained .
16 He was supposed to be fattening them up , but instead , the cattle were starving , one was being attacked by rats , and the sheep were penned in broken glass with no food or water .
17 Even now , I remain uncertain who was supposed to be doing what .
18 They were supposed to be doing me a favour , giving me that work , four and a half yards .
19 Your supposed to be doing them rotate them through Do this one first .
20 In fact , we were supposed to be doing something with Eric and John , but Eric could n't make it , or perhaps did n't want to .
21 They 're supposed to be doing it again .
22 If I 'm supposed to be doing it .
23 He 's supposed to be doing his homework .
24 It happened to me when I was sort of looking at some sort of electronic engineering that I was n't supposed to be doing I was just looking at it for interest like Well I 'd like to have the time to spend on that but I 'll leave that thank you very much .
25 if you want a bit of information , if you want to find out what page you 're supposed to be doing your homework from or
26 She knew Mandy was n't normally catty , and that her comments about Matthew 's fiancée were supposed to be making her , Charity , feel better .
27 I thought he was supposed to be making you stand on your own two feet ?
28 You 're supposed to be making your guests feel welcome . ’
29 These people were supposed to be making us fit and instead they were doing irreparable damage to my heart and lungs .
30 The detective constable who was supposed to be guarding him was out of the ward at the time chatting up some nurses .
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