Example sentences of "prepared [verb] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They were prepared to hit me on the head , were n't they ? ’
2 ‘ Quite a lot of people , ’ said Maisie acidly , ‘ are prepared to hit you on the head . ’
3 Negotiations continue but no clear way forward has yet presented itself , the Cooking Centre is zoned for housing and there is little prospect that the Region would be prepared to acquire it at the residential land value — £150,000 .
4 UK airlines are not sponsoring pilots at the present time , but the school is attracting an increasing number of young people , both from this country and abroad , who are prepared to invest something in the order of £50,000 to train as professional pilots …
5 De Gaulle wanted the agricultural settlement but was not prepared to accept it at the price of giving in to the other five and the Commission on the issues of resourcing and budgetary control .
6 As you will have realised by now this is not a fish for the person with a small community tank , but as long as you are prepared to provide it with the correct conditions , it is perfectly feasible for the novice to keep and breed the fish successfully .
7 Solly was prepared to try it in the days when Napes Needles was still ‘ a rattling good ‘ un ’ and you took photos of your mates with plates in a Thornton-Pickard Folding ruby camera .
8 For the most part these arose from the almost heedless manner in which Christians were prepared to identify themselves with the dominant values of secular Roman society .
9 There is unfortunately no miracle cure for leg ulcers around the corner ; community staff must be prepared to handle them in the most efficient and effective manner possible .
10 But Matthew Blake did not seem prepared to let her off the hook so easily .
11 But Ven , she discovered , was not prepared to let her off the hook , and , ‘ Why … ’ he began to challenge , ‘ … when you 're honest , I know it , yet have begun on a path of deception to one particular end — why , when it 's so important to your sister whom — you love … ’ an alert look suddenly came to his eyes , and he broke off for a brief moment before continuing , his serious dark eyes holding hers ‘ … a sister whom you 'd do anything for , as you proved when you left England and came here — why are you ready to leave now , without another thought ? ’
12 He was prepared to swear it on the Book .
13 A : hello Mr Parkin this is Guy Cook here B : yes A : er do you remember um sending us a er an estimate for electrical repairs * for a hundred and fifty pounds * well I 've er just had a word with the Electricity Board with an engineer called Mr Golding and he tells me that the er the list of jobs you gave us unless there 's any special circumstances should not be more than around one hundred pounds B : oh * A : well he said he 'd have to look at it of course but er is there some special reason why you thought it would cost more A : well would you be prepared to do it for the price he quoted B : no A : well why not B : I ca n't afford it not with my wages and overheads £ I have A : well £ why should I pay an extra fifty pounds if I can get it done cheaper * B : well if you can do that * do
14 Oh well it 's always protection of the family and yet they 're not prepared to put anything to the family .
15 During a visit to the hairdresser 's I realized that we women are prepared to put ourselves through the most extraordinary practices in order to improve our image .
16 I really think , although I would not be prepared to put it to the test , that you could go out in the streets of London in your nightdress and nobody would notice .
17 Having given up all hope of getting hold of a man for herself alone , she would be prepared to share one as the next best thing .
18 Henry 's anti-papalism was based on the belief that the pope had wrongfully usurped the spiritual and temporal power which had traditionally belonged to the kings of England , and while he therefore rejected the pope 's claim to jurisdiction in England , he was prepared to regard him as the rightful Bishop of Rome .
19 Indeed , many of John 's contemporaries were prepared to regard him as the Messiah .
20 To gain the most benefit from installing a desk top publishing system you must be prepared to learn something about the general area of printing .
21 Kylie will never forget the major role PWL played in changing her life , making a millionairess out of a minor TV star , and is prepared to defend them to the hilt .
22 Page 382 of ’ Erskine May ’ concerns the citing of documents not before the House and makes it clear that a Minister may not ’ read or quote from a despatch or other state paper not before the House , unless he is prepared to lay it upon the Table . ’
23 They 've so inculcated this passion for absolute secrecy into the senior officers of all four services that no one is prepared to reveal anything without the permission of the commanding officer of the Air Force base or ship or whatever .
24 The crisis revealed , however , that the king 's war no longer had the wholehearted support of the community , and more ominously , that some members of the nobility were prepared to associate themselves with the commons ' demands for concessions and reforms .
25 Management can encourage this by ‘ selling ’ a sense of the corporate ‘ mission ’ , or by promoting the company 's ‘ image ’ ; it can reward the ‘ right ’ attitudes and punish ( or simply not employ ) those who are n't prepared to commit themselves to the culture ;
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