Example sentences of "to live in the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 MR DAVID Mellor , the Home Office Minister of State , said yesterday that he was ‘ almost ashamed and embarrassed to live in the same society ’ as journalists working for tabloid newspapers .
2 I open some of the popular newspapers covering some people 's private lives or great national tragedies and I feel almost ashamed and embarrassed to live in the same society as people who can produce that sort of stuff . ’
3 This tells us nothing about the degree of harmony in the village — everyone might be at each other 's throats — but it does indicate that within the village there is a reasonably close-knit social pattern , rather than a disparate group of individuals who happen , coincidentally , to live in the same locality .
4 As one jaundiced critic put it in 1733 : " A set of brocaded tradesmen cloathed in purple and fine linen , and faring sumptuously every day , raising to themselves immense wealth , so as to marry their daughters to the first rank , and leave their sons such estates as to enable them to live in the same degree .
5 Several families who lived in the same settlement decided to leave as a result of her behaviour , and others insisted that they would never go to live in the same place as her .
6 Therefore if we do n't actually want to live in the same place as the residents , which I certainly would n't want to do , right .
7 Er I , I suppose if we 're going back something like forty , fifty years where people tended to live in the same area most of their lives , and their families in the area , people did n't move very far , they were probably born in an area , went to work in the area and died in the area .
8 I started coming just after Mike came — that was four seasons ago , and Martin he came two seasons ago and he used to live in the same street as me . ’
9 After Wordsworth 's marriage she continued to live in the same house ; in 1829 she became seriously ill , suffering from arteriosclerosis .
10 ‘ It is important , if you are to continue to live in the same house . ’
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