Example sentences of "to live in [art] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 If a horse does have to live in a yard or stable , it must have exercise every day .
2 They mean that as well as being fed and warm , claimants should be able to buy newspapers , visit relatives , retain membership of trade unions and churches , and be able to live in a way that " ensures , so far as possible , that public officials , doctors , teachers , landlords and others treat them with courtesy due to every other member of the community " .
3 The main safeguards in this area are the Housing Acts , supported by public health legislation , which is intended to ensure that no person should be allowed to live in a dwelling that is unfit for human habitation .
4 If you have chosen to live in a home that is more expensive that the Department would normally pay and your circumstances change , or the people or the organisation helping to fund your care can no longer help , we will need to reassess your needs .
5 This was partly to save money ( since an ambassador had to live in a style and with an expense which was not expected of lesser mortals ) and partly to minimise the risk of quarrels over precedence .
6 ‘ It was definitely off — especially when Doreen refused to live in a flat while he owned this house . ’
7 so the engagement was broken off and then after that she sort of she went to live in a flat , she left home and went to live in a flat and she 's been up and down
8 The socialisation process pupils encounter in schools therefore involves not only the acquisition of formally defined skills , but also the gaining of many other social skills , such as learning how to live in a group and how to respond to those in authority .
9 Anyway , surely two professional people , both chartered accountants and married to each other , should be able to live in a house that was once worth £425,000 .
10 He says it 's meant his elderly mother has had to live in a house that 's dangerous , barely habitable and will cost eighty thousand pounds to repair .
11 Not only does it set you free to live in the present but you had better start enjoying it , because — at the age of 40 or 50 or whatever — this is it , the future has arrived !
12 Although he was the first to use motor transport on an extensive scale in Lewis — many a time as a youngster I ran a mile to see his fleet of yellow Fords — he failed to see that the advent of the bus made it possible for the crofter to live in the country and work in the town .
13 When she married she had to live in the country and , instead of bemoaning what she 'd lost in the way of concerts and the theatre , she enjoyed what was on offer .
14 Why could n't this woman simply accept it as a fact of life , part of her make-up , such as not wanting to live in the country or swim in the sea .
15 Many Serbs , however , continue to live in the cities and the urban areas of Croatia , and they must be encouraged to do so , if necessary , by an international guarantee of their rights .
16 I carried on , then came back to live in the North but it just seems to have been a really cemented bond . ’
17 A lodger is entitled to live in the premises but can not call the place his own …
18 In other words , the continuing fall in the demand for labour on farms has prompted a growing proportion of even the locals to live in the village and work in towns .
19 So , while in 1814 the prime criticism of the idea was that it expected too much of human nature , too much of the people who were to live in the communities and of those who were to put them there , while then it was in short a social criticism , by 1832 the idea had become an economic nonsense .
20 Though the incidence of Becker is only one tenth that of Duchenne muscular dystrophy , the three families who refused a biopsy did so on the grounds that while they accepted their son had a muscular dystrophy they preferred to live in the hope that it might be Becker and so chose not to complete the diagnostic process .
21 I do n't think anything will ever change that so it 's very stupid of me even to hope … to live in the hope that he … that it 'll ever be different .
22 And if I could enjoy the dream , how much easier for those who were born in Israel or Lebanon or Palestine — or for those who wished to live in the land that was Palestine — to believe in it .
23 On that view it must be man 's deepest desire — need ? — purpose ? — satisfaction ? — to live in the way that is in this objective sense appropriate to him ( the fact that modern words break up into these alternatives expresses the modern break-up of Aristotle 's view ) .
24 They allow them to live in the communikty and report to police daily or weekly
25 Mind you , I think they 've had a bit of luck lately with a couple of wealthy chaps coming to live in the area and showing signs of interest . ’
26 Mr Dunn 's parents are also believed to live in the Gulf although his family is from north west England .
27 She suspected that Mark was thinking of the West Indians who had come to live in the parish and of course that was very right .
28 In some villages the occupational community has been reconstituted in an attenuated form on the council housing estate or among the tied cottages of the ‘ farm-centred ’ community , but in either case a new dichotomy has emerged between those who have chosen to live in the countryside and those who remain there because of their employment or some other force of circumstances .
29 You 've got to live in the moment and the way to do that is to think they do n't know and really enjoy it .
30 In the end , Shane has to ride out again , despite the cries of the boy who prefers him to his father , not qualified to live in the community because of his purity and violence .
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