Example sentences of "set [prep] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Now The Trust Deed and rules were asked for prior to their consent and the company made it clear that they would not be available until after the new scheme commenced on the first October nineteen ninety and indeed it was some eight days later on the ninth October at er Trustee meeting that the company presented the Trust Deed and rules and it was resolved that the Committee of Management would er transfer all the close scheme members er into the new nineteen ninety scheme and er the same Trustees appointed themselves er Trustees of the nineteen ninety scheme and one hour later were the presentation of a draft deed amending the British Steel Pension Scheme and a draft interim Trust Deed establishing the British Steel Pension Scheme in nineteen ninety and a draft Trust Deed and rules of the British Steel Pension Scheme of nineteen ninety were tabled for noting ; and those very Trustees that were on the first meeting agreed to transfer the assets to the new scheme , set as Trustees of the new scheme one hour later , accepted the assets and er without er seeking either legal or actuarial advice and in this case er Watsons were advisors to the company to the old scheme Trustees and to the new scheme Trustees .
2 THE United States yesterday cancelled talks set for Monday with the European Community over a public procurement dispute and said sanctions were now hard to avoid .
3 It was nearly four weeks ago that we set from Chelsea on the way to Australia .
4 Set in Australia in the 1950s , The Delinquents celebrates the passionate love story of Lola Lovell , played by Kylie and Brownie Hansen , played by Charlie Schlatter .
5 Set in Uppsala at the beginning of the century , it tells the story of Bergman 's parents , and will be made for two different formats : as a four-part series for televsion , and as two feature films for cinemas .
6 I set to work with the pick .
7 I get back to my office and set to work with the phone .
8 She found a spanner and set to work on the bike .
9 He glanced around , then took a nail file from his pocket and set to work on the padlock .
10 He became quite carried away as with dexterous strokes he carved a particularly exquisite right breast and set to work on the delicate fluting of the ribs .
11 As soon as he was satisfied that all was well , he laid back his ears and set to work on the grass .
12 ‘ So we set to work on the pictures , enormous ones and little gems which would all go in the modern interior , and made them full of off-white and near-pink . ’
13 She sat down and set to work on the files .
14 Brilliant puzzle ! — set by Ximenes in The Observer .
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