Example sentences of "set [pron] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They set me up as a target .
2 you know had some of that and erm my fried breakfast and my toast and my cup of coffee and I thoroughly enjoyed that , set me up for the day that did .
3 The SEATO and CENTO pacts brought certain Asian states into pro-Western blocs and set them apart from a larger neutralist group .
4 An Ornaments Rubric included in the 1559 Prayer Book ordered the use of vestments and the alb and cope during the communion service ; and the 1559 injunctions required the clergy to wear the surplice during services , as well as their distinctive outdoor dress which set them apart from the laity .
5 She would drive to the nursery in the spring and pick up boxes of spring flowers , pansies , violets , crocuses , iris , lilies of the valley , daffodils , and jonquil , and set them lovingly in the damp sweet-sour earth .
6 In the living room she picked up a couple of wine glasses from the floor and set them down on a coffee table .
7 Picking up the drinks , she crossed the room and set them down on the trestle , careful to keep her face turned away from the window .
8 She waited until the first few bars of the signature tune started to play , then unclipped her headphones and set them down on the desk with a sharp clatter before starting to gather up the stack of notes .
9 Set them out with a trowel in well watered ground .
10 She allowed Margaret Seymour-Strachey to bring in the tea things and set them out on the bedside table without speaking further .
11 Then take back the cards and set them out in an apparently random fashion and challenge a person to play you at pairs .
12 He 'd kill Barak and set you up as the fall guy — I believe that 's the term you Americans use .
13 Since this issue of the NI is devoted to language we thought we might join them for once , but give our own particular slant and maybe set you off in a different direction .
14 ‘ We set it up as a pilot programme to answer the call for more training in the field .
15 It is a mark of Hilton 's clarity of thought and practical spirituality that he should pick up the episcopal ideal of a composite life-style and set it up as the modus vivendi for a spiritually — minded temporal lord .
16 I then produce a 5 by 4 or a 10 by 8 colour transparency and set it up on a light table .
17 One brave man grabbed a Lewis gun and , to save time , set it up on a rubbish bin rather than the tripod and fired away .
18 He made a radio receiver when we were children and set it up on the main bridge over the Salzach .
19 ‘ You took the Wheel to the site and set it up on the ramp ; was it left unattended at any time ? ’
20 Set it up against the window , he wrote .
21 You do it down there , you set it up in the middle and you set it up really nice and cosy .
22 I set it carefully on the edition of Sophocles by her bed , intending to retrieve it later .
23 The Collector watched with admiration as Lucy 's deft fingers dipped a cartridge up to the shoulder in the grease and then set it neatly in a row with the others she had made .
24 Then he lifted his other foot from the ground and set it firmly on the rough stone surface too .
25 Jackson made his final attempt with the tea , then set it down with a grimace of distaste .
26 Toby had reappeared with the tray , and set it down on a small marble table , before Jackson was aware of his presence .
27 Lesley brought in a laden tray , set it down on a side-table , and distributed cups in silence .
28 Quietly , humbly , Cameron took off his headset and set it down on the floor .
29 I carried a tray across and set it down on the table in the window .
30 They set it down on the floor in the middle of the room , as the T'ang had instructed them earlier , then backed away , heads lowered .
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