Example sentences of "raised in [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The money will be raised in a mixture of straightforward borrowing and long-term , high-interest bearing mezzanine finance — often referred to as junk bonds .
2 The theory of communicative action is perhaps the crucial and radical component in Habermas 's work but it is not a discrete theory ; it develops in response to a number of problems both theoretical and empirical raised in a variety of contexts .
3 Then there are those raised in a hothouse of their own parents ' ambitions .
4 Another factor was raised in a case in which the government did not properly consult local authorities ( as required by statute ) before making some regulations : by the time the application to revoke the regulations was heard , they had been in operation for some time and to revoke them would have caused considerable administrative inconvenience which could not be justified given that no real complaint was made about the substance of the regulations .
5 All plants must be raised in a greenhouse from seed The ground should be well dug and manured with Growmore added .
6 The question of whether the convictions were safe , and the need for a review to allay public anxiety in the light of the Guildford findings , is raised in a statement by the joint presidents of the Birmingham Council of Christian Churches : the Most Reverend Maurice Couve de Murville , Archbishop of Birmingham ; the Right Reverend Mark Santer , Bishop of Birmingham ; and the Reverend David Good , representing the Birmingham Free Churches .
7 Rather , they were of decisive moment in how we lived from day to day and deserved the commemoration of daily objects , so that William 's figure , seated on his prancing white charger , sword-arm raised in a gesture of advance , decorated tea-towels and plates .
8 She has four arms , making her an inescapable foe — one hand holds a sword , one a human head , one is raised in a gesture of peace to trick the unwary , and the other forms a claw , ready to pinion its next victim .
9 The older boy appears to have gone through this initiation ritual , but still stands erect with arms raised in a gesture of worship and submission .
10 At the same time , it is evident that the bulk of the money needed to pay for urban defence had to be raised locally , although , from 1367 onwards , the king of France often allowed a quarter of the value of royal taxes raised in a town to be retained as a contribution towards it .
11 Capital for major expenditure or investment can be raised in a number of ways but as an PLC we would have easier access to the most appropriate funding alternatives .
12 The objection based upon uncertainty can be raised in a number of different forms , and it is important to distinguish between them .
13 The matter had been raised in a petition to the parliament of 1305 , but was only confirmed now , presumably because , the papal see then being vacant , Edward was waiting to employ the statute as a lever on the new pope .
14 The premiss which serves to justify such a policy is that the young should be raised in a context of ‘ normality ’ .
15 There is not space to discuss here even briefly the many controversial issues raised in the literature on corporatism , but in so far as territorial politics are concerned , it must be observed that even if there was or is a trend towards greater centralisation of political representation , this does not at all mean that there might not also be a functional deconcentration towards the periphery in specific cases .
16 The prospect of terminating school services has been raised in the wake of a spate of incidents , including opening emergency doors and throwing missiles from buses .
17 I wrote to the planning officer on 10 April 1991 enclosing a copy of my earlier letter , and again on 6 July 1991 when the matter was raised in the Minutes of the Land and Properties Sub-Committee , restating the Parish Council 's views and asking that they should be involved in the discussions of the future of the site .
18 Bank base rates were raised in the UK during 1988 from 8.5 per cent at the beginning of the year to 13. o per cent by the end .
19 So let's hope it 's raised in the air on Saturday afternoon .
20 The question was even raised in the Dail about the fact that although the State paid teachers it was in fact the Catholic church which fired them .
21 Increasingly the most strident political voices are raised in the name of free enterprise and law and order , not for equity and social justice .
22 From April , child benefits are to be raised in the hope of encouraging parents to produce a few more babies .
23 Dogs raised in the presence of man behave in the way we expect of them .
24 I 've always felt that I was raised in the land of melody but I certainly was n't raised in the land of rhythm so I 'm always attracted to good dance music .
25 I 've always felt that I was raised in the land of melody but I certainly was n't raised in the land of rhythm so I 'm always attracted to good dance music .
26 In a letter dated 19 November , the Lord Advocate said that in Scotland ’ Civil actions are raised in the Court of Session or Sheriff Court Mrs. would have to establish first of all that she does indeed have a right to raise an action arising from the unfortunate incident of which she has complained .
27 Those are the kinds of broader social issues raised in the articles in this Section of the Reader .
28 I agree with points raised in the correspondence regarding muscular build raising suspicion of abuse .
29 The idea of a Gaullist party had certainly been raised in the aftermath of the liberation — mostly by ex-resisters without a party affiliation — but there is no evidence that de Gaulle gave it any more serious consideration than he had done in 1943 .
30 While the prospect of a challenge to Mr Salmond as leader was briefly raised in the aftermath of the highly charged meeting of the party executive in Glasgow on Saturday , party insiders believe a more realistic prospect will be challenges for senior party positions in the run-up to the SNP national conference next September .
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