Example sentences of "removed from the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In short , Ulster remained more of a violent backwater , removed from the mainstream of British social development , at the end of the 1970s than it had been at the start of that troubled decade .
2 That would seem to be the case here , where we must remember that the storyteller had as his raw material a tale about a demon far , far removed from the mainstream of Israel 's talk about her God .
3 Removed from the mainstream by a mad mother , by a deviant ideology , by refugee status and the warsickness of Middle Europe ?
4 Since vapour is removed from the top of the column the equilibria in the column are continuously changing .
5 I ca n't make these decisions on my own , removed from the rest of BBC Radio ; but I have a clear idea of what Radio 3 is about .
6 When I visited the area in 1981 I was regaled with fishermen 's stories of discoloured fish with scabs and other unusual deformities , of boxes of fish removed from the quayside for testing by the authorities , of radiation in seagulls ' eggs , of friends from the same school who had later died unexpectedly of cancer .
7 It is hardly surprising that it is a poor fit for animals removed from the present by hundreds of millions of years of evolution .
8 These examples may seem to be somewhat removed from the experience of a child who has grown up in an inner-city slum .
9 The Church Inn , Newton Road , Lawton , near Manchester : above , cement render and plastic windows ; below , partitions and other historic features removed from the interior in its conversion to a single-room bar ( Claire Hunt ) .
10 As we will see in Chapter 8 , the judicial/administrative distinction has not been completely removed from the law of natural justice .
11 David Marshall was immediately rebuked by Speaker Betty Boothroyd and the knife was put back in its sheath and removed from the Chamber by an official .
12 Well British Steel adopted a somewhat more subtler tactic er they make a strong point of the fact that no money has ever been removed from the scheme despite the presence of a six hundred surplus .
13 True , poverty often dwells in hidden alleys close to the palaces of the rich ; but , in general , a separate territory has been assigned to it , where , removed from the sight of the happier classes , it may struggle along as it can .
14 When etching has been satisfactorily completed , the etch-resist ink can be removed from the board with an abrasive Polyfix block , or Isopropanol or acetone dabbed onto a cotton wool pad will dissolve the ink effectively .
15 I paid a Hackney second-hand dealer £100 a few years ago for seven black plastic bags of documents dating back to the seventeenth century — the contents of tin trunks removed from the basement of a firm of solicitors .
16 On Dec. 27 Vice-President Aleksandr Rutskoi was removed from the chairmanship of five state committees which were then transferred to the jurisdiction of the government .
17 The question of the control of nuclear weapons stationed in the former Soviet Union had been removed from the agenda of the previous summit in July [ see p. 39018 , where the month is wrongly given as June ] , for fear of a deadlock in the negotiations .
18 However , the issue of the division of property was removed from the agenda on Yeltsin 's proposal .
19 The question of interim control over nuclear weapons in Ukraine had been removed from the agenda after preparatory Foreign and Defence Ministers ' meetings on July 3-4 ( not including Moldova 's Defence Minister ) , as it was felt that there was no likelihood of an agreement at the summit .
20 A NEWSPAPER removed from the back of a drawer proved to be dated 2 August , 1897 .
21 The worst fate that could befall any relative or follower was to be declared a ‘ broken man ’ : that is , either by punitive official proceedings or by some family banishment , to be removed from the protection of the surname and so become an outlaw , fair prey for any enemy , English or Scottish .
22 That is perhaps why he was still sensitive about his public reputation — an essay in Twentieth Century on him by Edward Dahlberg , and a book by Northrop Frye , both incurred his displeasure ; he insisted also that certain lines about his alleged anti-semitism should be removed from the preface to Wyndham Lewis 's selected letters .
23 Nor , Branson had now convinced himself , was an airline that far removed from the principle of expanding into related businesses .
24 A major factor was that the two famous left-wing union leaders , both to some degree poachers turned gamekeepers , Hugh Scanlon and Jack Jones , were now removed from the scene through retirement .
25 ‘ Centro ’ is even prepared to send speakers to rural railway societies far removed from the scene of action .
26 Man was n't very far removed from the animal in that sense .
27 The Westminster Flores ascribed John 's conduct to resentment at being removed from the justiciarship of Ireland .
28 During the refurbishment programme the ledgers dating back to 1717 were taken into Archive Department 's collection where they will be looked after professionally , and many objets d'art were temporarily removed from the building for safe-keeping and restoration .
29 An ugly cement patch was carefully removed from the crown of the arch , and the stonework was left exposed so that the vigour of the fine carving can be appreciated .
30 In a game the pain of life can safely be recaptured , encountered and switched off as required , for as we have seen , a game and all other forms of playing including the arts are deliberately created second-order experiences , removed from the rawness of living .
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