Example sentences of "attempts [to-vb] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Coupled with attempts to provide compensation for the victims of crime , they represent an attractive package to a public deeply concerned with crime .
2 For many , the task of policing relaxed consents was a source of considerable professional embarrassment following their attempts to secure compliance with the former , stricter , standards .
3 He failed in three attempts to secure election to the Trades Union Congress 's parliamentary committee , but he represented the vellum binders at the foundation conference of the labour representation committee in February 1900 , and was elected to its executive .
4 Prior to their purchase of the building , the owner of the adjoining mill house had made two attempts to obtain permission from the local authority to change the use of the mill from industrial premises into a dwelling , but it was only with the current owners ' application of 1977 that planning permission for this change was granted .
5 After years of frustrated attempts to regain control of the site , Hindu extremists brought the issue to an explosive head this year by threatening to tear down the crumbling mosque and build a temple devoted to Lord Rama .
6 Viewed in this way , attempts to delimit pragmatics in the ways explored above would make little sense ; pragmatics would not be a component or level of linguistic theory but a way of looking afresh at the data and methods of linguistics .
7 Although the laws will doubtless be tightened , no cure for the current state of financial laxity will be found so long as Yugoslavia has a ‘ soft budget ’ approach to monetary policy , and persists in its attempts to combine self-management with the doctrine of ‘ social ownership ’ .
8 It is rumoured that the project is backed by an international mining consortium and there have been recent reports of attempts to enlist Yanomami from the area for military service .
9 There has not been space to say much about the flight from generality in the world outside mind , but I have tried to show how the attempts to flee generality within the mind and to abandon or reduce consciousness must both fail .
10 This approach , based on the House of Lords decision in Ebrahimi v Westbourne Galleries [ 1973 ] AC 360 , attempts to give weight to the intentions and expectations of the parties .
11 Despite Wilkinson 's attempts to moderate criticism of the Area Board 's policies , and a trade unionist member 's introduction of some woolliness in the text to accommodate his dislike of any rationing by the purse , the committee 's report , submitted to Gaitskell in June , did make some strong proposals .
12 The Platform began by acknowledging the damage that had been done to national relations by the repression of the Stalinist years and by later attempts to accelerate convergence on the basis of an allegedly full and final resolution of the national question .
13 In the sixth century its ancient Christian traditions were strong enough to sustain resistance to Justinian 's attempts to dictate doctrine to the church .
14 The argument of this chapter bears a superficial resemblance to familiar attempts to base morality on the claim that human beings are naturally unselfish and behave egotistically only out of ignorance .
15 Although there have been attempts to assess penetrance in the two phenotypes of Gardner and simple polyposis that have shown low penetrance , these have relied on the expression of cancer or the extraintestinal features .
16 Entailment between readings also bedevils attempts to demonstrate antagonism between the ‘ exactly ’ and ‘ at least ’ interpretations of numerals and other expressions of quantity .
17 Alternatively , in attempts to deprive antislavery of the dynamic of evangelism , it was sometimes argued that the task of evangelising and civilising Africans , whether in Africa or the Americas , necessitated the disciplines of slavery and the slave trade rather than being a reason for abolition or emancipation .
18 Microsoft 's attempts to take control of the US Windows-based home finance and small business accounts market has so far failed to unseat Intuit 's top selling package , Quicken 6 for DOS .
19 Their attempts to take control of the legislature were foiled , however , when Rex , using all of his political experience and powers of patronage , induced four opposition legislators to defect to the government benches .
20 In the face of the fundamentalists ' electoral success , the FLN political bureau on June 17 issued a statement rejecting " all attempts to return Islam to the era of charlatanism and myths or to use it as an instrument of demagogy and political opportunism " .
21 The Communist Party had not yet abandoned its attempts to gain control of the ILP , despite the assurances made in the previous year .
22 Repeated attempts to gain information from the remaining three produced no results .
23 Since Watergate , Nixon has been a discredited figure and some of his attempts to bring order to the fragmented system of government stepped beyond the bounds of legality .
24 The army 's deployment in the south was part of the government 's attempts to reassert control over the country under the terms of the Arab League-sponsored Taif peace accords [ see pp. 36986 ; 37928 ] .
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